After Rebirth I Became Spoiled Chapter 1

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"Su Meng, have you considered it? Who do you decide to go with?"

An old and somewhat strange voice sounded in Su Meng's ears. Although the voice seemed unfamiliar, she seemed to have heard this sentence before.

It seems that more than ten years ago, when someone wanted to adopt her and her sister Su Sui, they asked her this sentence.

She and her only sister, Su Sui, are only three years apart. But at the age of three, the fate of the two is very different.

When she was sixteen years old, she and Su Sui lost their parents because of an earthquake. Facing the ruins of a place at that time, they were terrified, helpless, and didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, there are still many enthusiastic people in society. They came from all over the country one after another to send water, food, quilts and love to the victims in these disaster-hit areas.

But her home was completely in ruins in this earthquake. Having lost her parents, relatives, and not much social experience, coupled with the insecurity of life, she has no idea how to survive in this society with her sister.

At this time, an enthusiastic couple extended a helping hand to her.

The retired couple has only one son at home, but this son has been studying abroad since he was a child, and it is rare to return home throughout the year.

The couple has a cat and a dog at home, but even if they have all the cats and dogs, they still feel lonely. After all, no matter how caring cats and dogs are, they can't chat and talk with them like people.

After learning of the Sichuan earthquake, they rushed from the imperial capital overnight just to dedicate their love. After knowing that many children in the disaster area had lost their parents, they began to want to adopt a child.

At that time, after they saw Su Meng who was holding her sister and standing in front of the makeshift tent with a helpless expression on her face, the idea of ​​adopting her came up.

But the couple are getting older and have limited energy. Now that they have decided to adopt a child, they naturally have the idea of ​​cultivating their children to become talents. You can't adopt a child but stock it, right? So according to their meaning, they just want to adopt a child and then spend all their energy on her.

But Su Meng and Su Sui have two people, what can we do?

It just so happened that there was another couple at that time who also wanted to adopt a child. This retired old couple discussed with the couple. Their family adopted Su Meng and the other couple adopted Su Sui. In this way, both sisters have a place to go. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

The couple is also very good at talking, and has no opinion on it.

Things should have been settled this way, and everyone was happy. But when it came to an end, things changed. Because Su Sui didn't know why, she suddenly became unhappy.

She was not willing to go to that house, but wanted to swap with Su Meng. In other words, she wants to go to the older retired couple's house.

Su Meng asked Su Sui why she was unhappy. Su Sui only said that she thought the older people looked kinder and felt better, so she wanted to go to their house.

Su Sui is icy and smart, and everyone in her family loves her more. Of course, Su Meng is also included.

Su Meng has liked this sweet-looking sister since she was a child, and took special care of her. In the past, Su Meng would give her anything she wanted.

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