After Rebirth I Became Spoiled Chapter 44

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Su Meng didn't know how she mustered up the courage to reject Jiang Tingzhou.

To be honest, after she returned to her room from the resort, she was still immersed in Jiang Tingzhou's confession just now.

Although Jiang Tingzhou's joy for her had long been foreseen, but when he confessed, the words "pleasure that you are sick, medicine and stone have no cure" were still a little too unexpected for her.

The likes of young people come as fast as the wind, fierce as fire, eagerly without scruples.

The hurricane blows the flames, accelerates the fire, and the raging flame seems to be able to burn everything in the world.

If you like it, you like it, and sometimes it's just a moment. This one is like, pure, sincere, and go forward courageously.

But just because this love came as swift as the wind and blazing like fire, Su Meng couldn't help thinking at the moment when she surprised her, would this love disappear in the end as it did when it came. quietly?

After experiencing such a turbulent and displaced life, Su Meng needs to be very clear about his feelings. She wants a stable relationship.

The other party does not need to be too handsome or too much gold, but he needs to be mature and stable, and be able to guide her patiently when she encounters difficulties in life.

In fact, she knows that Jiang Tingzhou has been slowly changing and getting better, but obviously, the underage Jiang Tingzhou still does not meet these requirements for her boyfriend.

and so......

Although I have to admit that at certain moments, she was indeed moved.

But reason still made her choose to refuse.

Time flies by, and the first monthly exam will soon be ushered in.

In this monthly exam, Su Meng unexpectedly got the first place in the grade.

Although this has nothing to do with her golden fingers, because golden fingers made her memory significantly better than before and made her study a lot easier, but her hard work still played the most important role in this beautiful result. effect.

Any effort will get its due return, more or less, always rewarding.

Because Su Meng not only looks good, but also studies hard. After her efforts fell in the eyes of the other classmates, she drove many classmates around her to work hard together.

These students naturally include Li Youqing and Zhang Xiaoya.

So after the first monthly exam, their average score in the class was very beautiful, ranking second in the entire grade, only a little lower than the innovative class full of top students.

This greatly increased the morale of the students in Class 5. The mid-term exams have greatly stomped the innovation class underfoot.

Su Meng's hard work this time was not in vain. She was admitted to the top three of the grade as she wished, and even went to the first grade in a rush. She smashed into the limelight, and the name Su Meng impressed many teachers and students. .

Now that she was the first in grade, she won the bet with the dean.

Jiang Tingzhou no longer needs to make a review in front of the entire school.

However, while she surrounded her classmates with surprised eyes, envious looks, and sincere congratulations, Jiang Tingzhou was experiencing the most critical moment in his life.

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