Chapter Two - A Realization

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I was only four years old when I saw a coffin draped by an American Flag on television in the latter part of 1963. The kinds of shows we watched portrayed good morals and values. They were shows like, I Love Lucy and Father Knows Best. I could go on and on about the meaning of this writing but the most important explanation would be to research for oneself the factual material that I’ve brought into the light within these chapters. I really shouldn't say “brought into the light” because the information has always been there. It just needed to be read and acted upon, but no one cares enough to pressure the authorities into prosecuting the guilty parties.

In the words of the late George Carlin, “Nobody seems to bother and nobody seems to care.” If we did care though, we could get on with enjoying a wonderful world without manipulations through greed. I believe the guilty parties are above the law. It seems we have nothing but questions about the murders of our leaders while the answers are deflected by the manipulators. We’ve spent so much time and money pursuing the sex scandal of 1998 while the country flourished. The sex scandal continually pursued for selfish, greedy gains. False propaganda was used like a well-oiled machine (no pun intended) and in this case was used as a diversion.

Oil has dominated and ruined our country, but no one says a word because we are fooled into thinking that we are dependent on this costly resource. It seems the guilty parties involved in the mass destruction of 2001 were pursued less than the sex scandal was. Why? Why was only six hundred thousand dollars spent on the 9-11 investigation and 40 million spent on the sex scandal.

Were those 3000 plus innocent victims less important than ousting a Democratic President for greedy gains?

We have the means to power the earth’s energy needs for the next four-thousand years for free, from patents that have been blocked by big business. They include solar, geo-thermal, wind and most importantly hydro-electric power. The truth is we don’t need oil at all.

We have all these officials protecting us, state and local police, governors, senators, as well as congress. Who is overseeing what the President is doing? Who is overseeing what their inner circle is doing. Russ Baker investigative journalist interviewed over five hundred witnesses over a five year period and came to the conclusion that there is a shadow government that rules regardless of who is in the White House. Who is monitoring these criminals? It is obvious that there is a force, much more powerful than the president, going uncontrolled and unpunished. If we, as a people, do not bond together to combat this force, our lives will only get worse while the few benefit and reap the rewards of our work. The deaths of the Kennedys, Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lennon would all be in vain. Their lives would have meant nothing for what they were trying to accomplish for all of the American people. We may even be too late.

Before I tell you my family’s story, it is important that you understand the underlying facts that forced us to change our way of life. Take for instance, what has happened in recent years with the tobacco conglomerates. For decades they have been addicting the masses to a drug that is considered dangerous and highly addictive, yet the drug is still legal because the powerful few benefit from it at the cost of killing millions of people.

“A cigarette is a scientifically designed drug delivery device that is intentionally engineered to deliver nicotine to the brain in seconds.”

Jeffrey Wigand

Mr. Wigand is a scientist who documented and made public this evidence. It sent the tobacco companies into a tailspin as they lost billions of dollars in court trying to defend their ex-employee’s damaging statement. After the settlement was all said and done, and after the release of these true facts, were cigarettes made illegal? No. In fact, in some areas such as New York and California, the cost of one pack of cigarettes rose to Fourteen dollars! Note to editor: Current prices in New York are 12.50 a pack.  Even as Mr. Wigand uncovered the blatant distribution of a highly addictive drug that kills people, did big business continue to administer it and did government allow it? Yes, and at over-inflated premium prices. They should be as illegal as the other highly addictive drugs, but our government continues to profit from it.

In 1962 we had peace in the world. The only potential problems were in the Congo. Vietnam was also brewing with the threat of Communism, but it was a civil war between the North and South Vietnamese. With peace in mind and the country’s best interest in heart, President Kennedy, after a third attempt, finally made headway with Russian President Khrushchev. After the world listened to the president’s speech, Khrushchev noted that it was the best speech ever made by an American President. Soon, the nuclear test ban treaty was signed.

The signing of that treaty made a specific group of plotters very angry about the entire peace progress. They argued that President Kennedy was a weak leader against the threat of Communism. President Kennedy vowed to maintain peace while ruling with an intelligent hand, but big business thought otherwise. The owners of this country wanted war, a war that generates an 80 billion dollar a year business in those days. Their inner circle would prosper from the escalation of our involvement in a country that we had no business being in, just as we had no business being in Iraq. If the war business back then generated 80 billion a year imagine what the Iraq war generates in profit today. They use the excuse that its good for the economy, but in fact it’s good for their own bottom line. Sounds like a conflict of interest to me. We vote in officials to help the citizens yet policies are made to suit their own family’s needs. Why is this not prosecuted? Since it’s not illegal, why is not made illegal?

In December of 1963, President Kennedy was to issue an order to bring the U.S. advisors out of Vietnam to avoid a war. In addition, Mr. Kennedy made a speech that vowed to eliminate secret organizations which existed when he realized these organizations would threaten our countries well-being.  He also, was about to start taxing the oil millionaire tycoons to ‘even the slate’ among American taxpayers. That would never happen as President Kennedy was gunned down November 22nd, one month prior to these actions.

The rest is history, the Vietnam War escalated and corporate thieves made billions from the war, while many young soldiers died or were crippled. Who prospered? Who benefited from the killing? Which corporations prospered and why weren’t they ever investigated? Who then became president and why wasn’t he investigated? It seems that the CEO’s were being protected from criminal prosecution. The new president was never questioned by the people! Today, who prospered from the Iraq war?

What more do we the people need as proof to start a true investigation into these multiple murders? Thus, the Kennedy Assassination would be the beginning of our country’s downfall, while the guilty prospered.

John F. Kennedy was killed, and then subsequently Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. Obviously, they would not have been killed unless they had something to say that would incriminate the guilty parties. After the movie JFK was released in 1994, a private non-governmental group was ordered to investigate those murders. Their efforts were diverted at every turn by the Bush/Clinton administrations and were finally shut down four years later. Why?

History is written by the winners.

Napoleon Bonaparte


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