Chapter Five - Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

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I started towards the car lot where my car was parked. My destination was only about 15 minutes from where I worked. The Luncheonette we were meeting at had been there since about the mid to late sixties. Some would refer to this kind of eatery as a greasy spoon. My wife usually comes up with all those old sayings from hanging around her older relatives. She’d always have some saying that was kind of nostalgic, but cute at the same time.

When I arrived, John had not shown up yet, so I asked for a booth and waited. The waitress brought me a cup of coffee and I grabbed a newspaper, all the while I was concerned about getting back to work because I was on a time schedule.

After about five minutes, John came over to the table. It seemed like he appeared out of nowhere. It was kind of an uneasy feeling. I got up and we both gave a manly hug, the type that two guys usually give one another out of respect. We gave each other a back slap and sort of a shoulder bump. It was the cool manly greeting nowadays! It was good to see him but he had on kind of a weird jacket that I never saw anyone wear before. What I didn’t realize at the time was that the jacket was lead-lined and there was a reason for this. His hood covered his head and dreadlocks. He had insulated gloves on and thick pants with boots. Every part of his skin was covered for some reason and it wasn’t really that cold outside, maybe about 55 degrees. Surely, not cold enough to warrant what he had on!

“Hey bud” I said: “Good to see you.”

“Yea, same here brother” he replied.

So, without wasting time I asked “So? What’s up?”

“I don’t have much time,” he said. “About two years ago I joined a group that was concerned about the country’s well-being” he started. “What I’ve learned was disturbing and goes back to about the early fifties” he continued. “The U.S. has been incurring debt at an exponential rate and top officials have been meeting to control our economy. This plan is so big that it encompasses the world!” He nervously explained. He was shaking, but I wasn’t sure if he was shaking from discussing this matter or if someone or something was after him. It was creepy and I grew instantly fearful of the situation. “Ever hear of the Bilderberg Group?” I quietly answered “No.” He quickly went on to explain in a rushed fashion.

“The Bilderberg Group is a group which conferences once a year at a location that is not disclosed until four weeks prior to the conference. Most are persons of great influence in the areas of politics, banking and business. There are usually thirty-nine core members with a total of about 130 members that attend the meetings.” He rapidly explained what he had learned through the organization he was a part of.

“So,” I asked, “What does this have to do with you?”

“Please give me about five minutes to explain” He continued, “The members can only be invited and the media are excluded from covering the story, in fact, if anyone tries to take pictures or even come near the vicinity they are immediately arrested. The media is invited with the agreement that they are not allowed to report what they see or hear.”

“There is high security in and around the meeting place. The original meeting place was the Bilderberg Hotel in 1954, hence the name given to the organization. The exact location was Oosterbeek, Netherlands. In May of 2009, they met in Athens, Greece, but that proved to be a diversion from the actual meeting place. They are very elusive.”

I grew more and more anxious as to where this was leading.

He continued, “In 2005 President Bush signed an agreement that abolished the borders of Canada and Mexico to form something called the North American Union. He did this without the authority of Congress or the American People, but his followers never mention this, brain-washed and blinded by the corporate-controlled media.”

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