Chapter Six - "The Interrogation"

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As I entered the dining area once again, there were slow movements from guests that had been injured. There was moaning and crying heard all around. The area was all disheveled, damaged, and smoke arose from all the gunfire—even flames. It was a dismal, surreal scene as the police arrived. I could hear the sirens in the distance getting closer before they finally arrived. It all happened so quickly. I thought it had transpired in only a few moments, but apparently it was more like fifteen minutes.

Officers were consoling the people who were hurt badly first. They also checked to see if the people lying motionless were still alive by checking their pulse around the neck region. From a quick overview, it looked as though two people had been killed. All the while I wondered how badly John had been injured from the shot he took to the chest. ‘Was that personalized vest bulletproof?’ I thought.

I was stunned at what had happened. I asked a police officer if someone could call my employer to tell them that I was not able to come back to work. I was still in distress over what I had just witnessed. Life throws curveballs at you sometimes, but I never anticipated being a part of this. Part of me was grateful that I had found out this information, but another part of me wished I had been oblivious to it. Sometimes not knowing makes for a better existence, because now I had no choice but to help. I came to the realization that the help I was referring to was not only for the Anti – Bilderberg group but help for my family as well as mankind. What had John gotten me involved in?

As I usually do, I tried to think about the information that he had given me before the shooting, and quickly deduced that we were all in trouble, that is, humanity was in trouble. I mean, if these people could get away with this, it certainly means that they can do whatever they damn well please. It was bad enough with what they’ve gotten away with in the last sixty years. No one is monitoring their actions or penalizing them for that matter! It seems no one is holding them accountable for their decisions that they are imposing on the world as I previously stated. I mean, hell, most of them were the ones elected by the people to watch out for us. They weren’t elected to fill their own greedy, personal needs!

There were two ambulances outside, a fire truck, and about twelve cop cars surrounding the area. I was sitting at one of the counter stools clearly shaken up as I noticed two of the officers working their way towards me. They asked if I was okay and if I wanted some water. I said “Yes, water would be great,” nervously. I told them I felt okay and I didn’t notice any broken bones, just some scratches and torn clothes. I had some blood on my shirt from the people who were shot. There was blood everywhere. Officer Mulcahey introduced himself and his partner Officer O’Brien. The paramedics were busy with the more severely injured people. Officer Mulcahey asked where I was when the shooting started as Officer O’Brien brought me some water. I explained to them that I was having lunch with an old friend of mine in a booth. They asked which booth it was. I pointed to it and they, of course, noticed that it was the window where most of the bullets had entered. They asked if he, my friend, was here somewhere and I told them I didn’t see him. They asked my name and then systematically asked for my friend’s name. I was brought up with integrity, so I had no intentions of lying regardless of what John had told me. I didn’t believe that the cops knew anything about the plan for the New World Order.

I proceeded to answer any of the questions that they had asked along with John’s full name and how I knew him. I told them that we were friends and kept the answers very vague. They handed me their card and said that if I needed anything or remembered anything that I should give them a call. They asked if I needed a ride somewhere and I said no. I didn’t want to leave my car behind. I was pretty shaken-up, so I waited about fifteen minutes until I knew I was okay to drive.

I didn’t want to upset my wife with a phone call so I proceeded to drive home to tell her in person, so she knew I was fine. But, I wasn’t fine though. I was worrying about what John had told me, plus the fact that I would get an “I told you so” when I told her that I was in my meeting with John when it happened. It was daunting! Honestly, I really didn’t know which was worse, what just happened to me or telling my wife. The wrath of a woman could be intense at times. So, I secretly smiled to myself. That’s how I was built. I guess it’s all part of being an optimist; find something humorous and optimistic about any situation. This characteristic also keeps me positive so that I can get any job done no matter how hard. The matter in which we were embarking upon was of catastrophic proportions. What could I find humorous or positive about that?


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