15 year old boomers

25 0 25

Hottie: howdy doodidly goes it, y'all?

Avocado bby: yo wtf Clara-

'Kichi bby: *is visibly shook*

Shumai bby: someone help
That was kinda hot

Haha bondage: wtf man
You simping for Clara or

Shumai bby: um

Tennis bro: I'm diddly doing
fine, broski. Thanks for asking.

Hottie: I'm giddily glad that you

Stupidiot: shut the hell up
or I'll choke you out!

Hottie: 😰

'Kichi bby: a body will be

Cosplay queen: yandere?

Hottie: yes?

'Kichi bby: yes?

Haha bondage: holy-

Atua is bæ: censored!

Robo bby: what is "yandere"?

Tennis bro: hoo boy, this is
quite the conundrum

Hottie: indeed it is, my

ASSassin: yo wtf-
Make it stop

'Kichi bby: Yoro-Chan!
Wanna come over and cuddle?

<Hottie has gone offline>

Shumai bby: woah that was fast

'Kichi bby: that's what she
literally said lol

Mi-u wish u were hot:
l u c k y
He gets to cuddle with her, and
I'm still single! The dude who has
never been able to get a gf, gets a

Aikido kid: haha lesbian

Mage-ic: you're one to talk...

Pia-no thank you:
e x p o s e d

'Kichi bby: darn it! I missed all
the fun! You whippersnappers

Avocado bby: Clara, please stop

'Kichi bby: oki! 😋

'Kichi bby: imma go bring Clara
back to her room

Mi-u wish u were hot: what why

'Kichi bby: her back hurts, and
imma massage it

Cosplay queen: ha! Fool! You
thought you could trick me?

'Kichi bby: trick? What trick?
Don't confuse me with your talk
of trickery, trickster.

<'Kichi bby has gone offline>

Haha bondage: miu

Mi-u wish u were hot:
yea? What do you want?

Haha bondage: they're gonna
double de-virginize

Mi-u wish u were hot: called
it! Tsumugi! Five bucks!

Avocado bby: Tsumugi lost a bet?!

Tennis bro: reality is broken

Danganronpa v3 chatfic but specialWhere stories live. Discover now