Shut it

18 0 7

Stupidiot: ay so...
Why tf did kiibo go to Clara's dorm?

Robo bby: Clara wished to contact
her parents, and I aided her!
What does tf mean?

Pia-no thank you: ahaha! Let's
change the subject!

Hottie: trolli gummy worm
ads creep me out

'Kichi bby: same here, bæ

Cosplay queen: me,
trying to watch mha season 4:
ThAt'S wHy I tRuSt E-hArMoNy

Hottie: ugh, ikr?

Robo bby: when will you all
answer my questions?

Hottie: okay so tf stands
for "the fuck?"
A yandere is someone who
would do anything for their
loved one, including targeted
I ain't gonna explain what a
simp is tho...

ASSassin: Clara!

Hottie: he said to answer
his questions, and I did. Tf
do you want from me, Maki?

ASSassin: you to keep
Keebo pure

Hottie: no way
It's way too repetitive and
it's also super boring

'Kichi bby: I can think of
something that isn't boring ;)

Hottie: OwO what's this? ;)

'Kichi bby: Just some illegal
things, no big deal ;)

Hottie: like what? ;)

'Kichi bby: m u r d e r

Hottie: y a y ! :)))

Shumai bby: YO WTF YOU GUYS-

Pia-no thank you: at least it'll
be a quick class trial 🤷‍♀️

Cosplay queen: I fucking called
it! Y'all are yanderes!

Mi-u wish u were hot:
No shit, Sherlock

Shumai bby: O•O
g a s p

AN/: yeah ok, short chapter, but I need to post the next one to vent. Someone broke my feelings and my Kevin hart is hurting.

Danganronpa v3 chatfic but specialWhere stories live. Discover now