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the warm glow of the sun streams through an open window and onto your face as you stir, flickering your eyes open. you lay with your head on someone's bare chest and you grin as the steady breeze of Cedrics breath brushes against your hair.

last night suddenly floods back to you. the two of you spent hours laying in eachothers arms and talking lazily about anything that comes up and it couldn't have been a better way to end the stressful saturday.

you lay still for a while, listening to Cedrics heartbeat under your ear before deciding to head to breakfast, you know the boy sleeps in a lot and he deserves a good rest after the match yesterday. after slipping gently off the bed and freezing for a minute to let him toss and turn in his sleep, you slide your shoes on and pull the curtain back to it's closed position, taking one last look of admiration at the deep sleeping boy. a violent shiver pangs across your body and goosebumps peck every inch of your bare legs. you didn't change last night and slept in the velvet dress you wore all day yesterday. the autumn mornings always flood the castle with freezing winds and it's almost unbearable to walk around in as little clothes as a dress.

glancing around the room, being careful not to wake any of the snoring Hufflepuff boys, you spot a long sleeved top draped over a chair, half yellow and half black. you recognize it immediately as the shirt Cedric wore during the Triwizard Tournament and you creep over to retrieve it. you know he wouldn't mind if you borrow it for a bit and, after your fight with Malfoy, you completely crush the idea of keeping you and Cedric a secret, who cares if people find out? what can they do?

you push your arms quietly through the holes and take in the boys strong scent, smiling as it hangs loosely over your body. the sleeves go inches past your hands and the hem almost reaches the bottom of your dress but it does give you an extra layer of warmth so it'll do. catching a quick glance at yourself in the mirror, you grin at Cedrics attempt at two braids. they aren't at all bad and you decide to keep them in despite the scruffiness.

just as you swing the door open to leave, the sound of curtains sliding across their posts makes you turn around, feeling guilty for making too much noise. but the sleepy smile on Cedrics face as he pokes his head from behind the material makes your heart skip.

"you look cute" he grumbles in a scratchy voice, raking his squinting eyes up and down your body. he still looks half asleep but you appreciate the effort.

"go back to sleep, i'll see you later" you whisper across to him and he collapses back onto his pillows, letting out a sign and passing out again. with a giggle, you gently close the door behind you and jog down the stairs, an energetic spring in your step. 

a sudden rush of confidence burst through you as you sneak, unnoticed, out of the portrait door. not having to worry about anyone finding out about you and Cedric takes a huge weight off your shoulder and you immediately feel the difference as you make your way towards the Great Hall. maybe the argument was beneficial and not only did you put Malfoy in his place, but you've gained a new attitude towards what people think and you feel a sort of freedom.

sunday's are always the most relaxing day of the week as most students sleep till lunch. the Hall is quiet and most of the tables are empty, as they are most sunday mornings. Professor Dumbledore sits in his center chair at the High Table and you notice him give you a nod of approval when he sees the easily identifiable article of clothing on your body.

the only people sat at the slytherin table are your small group of 4 friends, Alicia, Blaise, Pansy and Malfoy. Alicia looks as if she's glowing when she sees you and Pansy looks like a proud mother.

"that-is-adorable" Pansy grins when you sit down, staring longingly at Cedrics top and clapping between words. "why can't i wear your shirts Draco" she teases in a cooeing voice. but Malfoy glares over his plate and shifts his eyes to you, the top, then back to her.

Love Triangle - Draco Malfoy & Cedric Diggory X readerWhere stories live. Discover now