Chapter 1 : The beginning

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So your Mc/yuu is gender neutral UwU But they look a lot like a girl so please forgive me if your a boy and your reading this. Any way enjoy!

" So detective you got the information?" your co worker/best friend asked you as he kept his eyes on the road. " Yeah I do don't worry it's safe in the back." you told them as you leaned your head against the window from a tiring day of work. " Why would you put tgem in the back?" They questioned you turning their head towards you. You then opened your eyes " Idk just let me- Hey watch o-! " before you could finish you both ran into a bigger truck causing the windows to break and you banging your head hard against the car door busting the window too [ dang boy].

All you could hear was your friend crying screamingbyour name as sirens screeched in the background while you passed out.


You then woke up to the sound of a heart monitor beeping in a hospital gown and bed with a bandage wrapped around your head. " H-huh where am -ow!" You shreecked in pain as you moved your head around. Then a familiar face came rushing in the door crying as they hugged you. " Y/n I'm so glad your ok!" they cried. " D-do I know you?" You asked them as their face only turned pale and filled with much more sorrow than before. " Y-you don't know who I am it's me bff/n!" They cried as tears poured down their face making you feel guilty telling him that. " I-I'm sorry please stop crying. " you said as they only hugged you tighter . Then the doctor came in after explaining what happened to you and calming down the familiar person they let you leave after a couple check ups. ' Mabey if I look at some pictures on my phone it'll help' you thought in your head as the person followed you walking you back to your apartment. You then jumped into someone sussing you both to crash down as your phone flew out of your hands crash g to the ground. " O-ow!" You said rubbing g your head looking up only to see a handsome red haired boy with a heart on his right eye with a black hoodie. " Tch watch.... " they then paused for a minute study I g your smaller figure. " Oh my apologies let me help you up." He said holding a hand out as you gladly took it. " thanks I'm y/n!" You gladly told the hooded figure making them almost smirk as your supposed friend sighed. " Ace." They said smirking handing you your now cracked phone. " I'll be on my way the y/n." he smirked turning around walking away as you sadly looked at your cracked screen. You and your friend than began to walk away and you swore you heard the hooded figure say Found them but shrugged it off. You then arrived at your apartment it looked a bit dusty making you cringe a bit as your friend hugged you telling you good bye. As soon as he left you felt a little lonely as you looked around the empty apartment seeing your bed and a picture of you with a boy that had a spade over his eye smiling as he hugged you. You picked up the picture feeling a sad smile curve up to your lips you didn't know why you felt sad looking at the picture. You put the picture down and just stayed up trying to find something with a password for your computer that you found on your bed. " Ughhh why didn't I leave a thing for my password anywhere ~!?!?" You whined as you heard your neighbors stop on the ceiling telling you to shut up. You just sighed and decided to go to bed as you drifted off to sleep you swore you heard your door cream open making you jolt up. "H-huh who's there!?" You squeaked only to see your small apartment door closed. " I guess it's just my imagination?" You told yourself hoping you were just imagining things.

As you tried to go back to sleep you couldn't still paranoid so you decided to get some water. You then tried to find something with a cup for the water you failed to find it and only found a bowl so you filled your bowl with water sadly drinking it. " I hate myself so much." You told yourself sighing at your actions. You swore you heard someone chuckle as you looked around only to see no one. " h-hey this isn't funny! Show yourself!" You quietly squeaked only getting nothing but silence and crickets chirping outside muffled by the walls. " I'm going crazy aren't I?" You whined as you put the bowl of water you where sipping in down. As you went back to your room for now you felt like you where being watched and every time you turned around you only saw the dark empty hall way you where in. Just the thought of it made you shiver as you tried to find the too you where in. You where staring to get scared cause you swore you felt some one breathing on your neck you turned around again to see nothing as you finally found the room and rushed towards the bed hiding under the covers. As you drifted off to sleep finally you had a strange dream.

" Hey y/n come look at this!" a taller boy with a spade on his eye called you as you rushed over to him smiling. " Cool where did you find that!?" You exclaimed making him chuckle from your actions. " In this tree." He said showing you the golden apple. " This so so I cool Duce! I didnt know golden apples grew here!" You excla as you picked on taking a bit only to bite hard into a gold making your two front teeth come out. " O-ow!" You cried alerting the dark blue haired boy. " Oh my gosh your teeth!" He cried seeing them on the grassy feild. " h-hey it's not your fault I should ha-have known better." You sniffled picking your teeth up trying to comfort the poor boy. " N-no it's not you always say that y/n!" the boy snapped at you scooting away from you. " ....Sorry." You said making him look at you. " What are you sorry for?" He asked you as you just looked down. " making you feel bad." You replied as he hugged you. " hi I should be apologising just don't be stupid anymore ok?" He teased you. " Only of you also stop being stupid I caught it from you!" You said as you playfully punched his shiulder.

You then woke up and saw the picture of the boy with the spade boy in your dream. " Hmm... I must have know him?" You said confused onnjow you remembered your dream. " wait what was his name again dece?.... Druce?" You questioned yourself trying to remember the boys name. You just shrugged it off as you got out of bed only to find your front door freaked open. You knew you didn't leave it like that last night you than looked around and saw no one exept the empty room of your apartment. You then saw some ripped up jeans, a black t-shirt with checkered sleeves, and a red beanie in a pile of folded clothes on the floor you then changed into them and rushingout the door and saw muddy foot prints as you tried putting your other shoe on following them. ' Who would be stupid enough to break into my house and leave muddy foot prints?' You thought to yourself as you followed the muddy foot prints until you came upon a alley way.

You looked around only to see trash cans,a dumpster, the hooded guy from yesterday, a cat.... wait the hooded guy from yesterday!? "Hey... Ace right!?" You said rushing over to him. " Hey y/n. " he purred as you looked at him in disgust. " D-did you brake into my apartment last night!?" you squeaked at him as he only smirked crossing his arms. " Me why would I ever break into a strangers house!?" He dramatically snapped at you almost sounding sarcastic. You then looked down at his boots knkynto find them covered in mud. " Tch don't put up that innocent act with me you did brake into my- Clever aren't we y/n?" He purred in your ear as he pulled you closer to him with a cloth over your mouth. " Shhh...Shhh... how about you take a nap." he purred in your ear on last time as you passed out in his arms.


You then woke up in a comfy red chair as you tired to get up you felt a burning pain in your wrist and ankles only to find a red rope binding them together. " Oh your awake~." A ginger headed boy that had a diamond under his cheek happily said. " Tch. Took him/her long enough." Ace complained as you began to try and wriggle out of the rope. " Don't even try to it won't work any way." A green haired boy with a clover barked at you making you jump a little falling out of the chair. " Hey I thought we agreed they wouldn't get hurt!" a familiar boy with a spade coldly barked at all of them. The blondy then came over to you you then scooted away from him a bit but he picked you up bridal style sitting you down on the chair once again. " T-thanks.." You choked out trying to stay calm as you felt something press up against your head. Ace it was Ace he was pressing a gun to your head with his fingers away from the trigger. "Ace! Get that gun away from them!" The blondy coldly barked as you tried your best to stay calm. " The boss said one of us had to do this anyway geez calm down I haven't even put my fingers on the trigger yet." Ace snapped at the blond making him only cures under his breath. " W-what are you g-going to d -do to m-me? " You asked them in a shakey tone. " Where just going to ask you a couple questions y/n chan~." The dimond boy told you. " Our boss is coming." he told you and the 3 other boys making you turn a little pale. You where starting have a bad feeling in your gut knowing that you probably where going to get out of this alive. Then you all heard the door creak open there you saw.


To be continued

I know it's short I'll try to make the next one longer TwT

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