𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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          It was a silent ride back to the Dursley's, but Harry and Aurora were scared to death. Well, at least Harry was. Harry didn't get in trouble as much as Aurora. She had a big mouth and would speak up if something wasn't right. Harry has only seen her in a good mood when the Dursley's trusted them enough to stay home alone while they took Dudley out to get ice cream. She was smiling the whole time and joking around. Harry loved seeing that side of her. He wished he could see that side of her more. Aurora also wished she could act like that more, but she couldn't let her guard down. She wanted to be tough and strong for her brother, even though he was 12 minutes older than her. Harry was sitting next to Aurora who was in the middle. Dudley was shivering next to Aurora and she tried her best to not yell at him to shut up.

        After what seemed like 5 hours the car parked at the Dursley's house. Aunt Petunia helped Dudley out of the car, and Uncle Vernon slammed the door. The two Potters walked as slowly as they could to hopefully avoid getting yelled at. Boy, were they wrong. Right as the twins walked into the house, Vernon grabbed Aurora and slammed her into the wall, her right wrist cracking on impact. Aurora winced. "Ouch!" she yelled Vernon ignored her, grabbed Harry, and pushed her aside.

        "What happened?" roared uncle Vernon. His face was tomato red.

        "I swear we don't know!" Aurora said, hoping that her Uncle would let go of Harry.

        "One minute the glass was there, and then it disappeared! It was like magic!" said Harry, worried for his sisters injured wrist. Vernon grabbed Aurora by her left wrist and shoved the twins into their cupboard. 

        "There's no such thing as magic!" He yelled, slamming the door and locking it.

        As soon as he was sure their Uncle was gone, Harry turned to his sister who was now silently crying. "Are you okay?" He asked her. He had not once see her cry and it broke him to see her like this.

        "No, I'm not okay Harry." she said angrily. "I hate how we have to live like this. I hate the Dursley's and I... I..." she started sobbing. "I-I want Mom and Dad Harry. I miss them." There was a silence. After a couple minutes Harry pulled her into a hug, being careful not to touch her wrist.

         "I miss them too." said Harry. She sobbed even harder. She cried for a few more minutes until she stopped. She had fallen asleep. Harry had set her on the bed and pulled the thin blanket over her. He then yawned and fell asleep, dreaming about the snake that had escaped.


          The next morning Aurora had woken up before Harry and attempted to pick the lock with a sewing needle she had found in the closet. To her surprise the door had open and she snuck into the kitchen to try and find a medical kit. Her wrist was aching, probably broken or sprained. She looked in the pantry and saw the bright red box on the top shelf. The brunette was small and thin due to her not being fed enough. The Dursley's only fed the twins the amount they needed to survive. 

          She looked around the kitchen for a stool of some sort but she couldn't find one. She grabbed a dining room chair and made sure to not make a noise, the Dursley's were still sleeping. She had to be quick because they could wake up any minute now. She climbed on the chair, grabbed the med kit, and carefully jumped off. She opened it and looked around for gauze or tape of some sort. She found a tan colored tape and wrapped it around her wrist, wincing when it hurt. When she was done she climbed back on the chair and put the medical kit back where is was before. She put the chair back and tiptoed to the cupboard under the stairs where she would hopefully fall back asleep.


          Later that morning, an owl flies by the house and drops a letter, which zooms into the letterbox. Aurora and Harry race to the front door to get the mail.

         "Haha I won!" Aurora stuck her tongue out at Harry. She had been in a much than the night before. Her wrist was still wrapped, but the Dursley's payed no mind to it.

         "That's not fair you had a head start!" exclaimed Harry, who had a smile on his face.

         Aurora shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe you're just not fast enough." Harry playfully glared at her and went to pick up the mail. He sorts through the letters and his eyes widen as he sees one, addressed to him and Aurora. Aurora had seen his change in mood. "What is it?" she asked looking at the letter he was holding. Her eyes widened too. "But we never get mail?" she questioned. She and Harry walked into the kitchen and handed their Uncle the rest of the mail, keeping theirs. They walked to the other side of the table and shared a chair, since they can both fit on one without being uncomfortable.

         "Ah, Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk." said Vernon to Petunia.

         Dudley comes around to where Aurora and Harry sat. "Dad look!" he said as he grabbed the letter from Harry's hand. "Harry and Aurora got a letter!"

        "Hey give it back, it's ours!" Aurora angrily yelled.

        "Yours? Who'd be writing to you two?" Vernon laughed. The family gathers to look at the address. There is a broken seal on the letter. The family looks up and twins gulp.


Okay I promise this is the last one of the night. I cannot wait to write when Harry and Aurora get to Hogwarts! Keep in mind there will not be much Ron and Aurora lovey dovey parts because they are still kind of young and just developing feelings for each other. The real stuff will come in the third book >:)

Question: If you had to pick, which is your favorite Dursley? Mine would probably be Dudley, only because of the last movie.



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