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i can give you all the world, you deserve it.

꒰ airi. ꒱

"well? are we gonna study or not?" hyunjoon snapped me out of my thoughts.

i felt my face heat up, remembering the phone call last night.

"l-let's start." i said.

i keep on stumbling onto my words every now and then while explaining & i mentally punched myself multiple times.

calm down, girl.

i took a deep breath and glanced at the boy in front of me. he had a bored look on his face as he looked at me.

"are you okay? you've been acting weird." he asked. i shook my head, "i'm feeling fantastic right now." i let out a fake laugh.

he stared at me for a while. his eyes were shooting lasers at me as if it's trying to burn me down into ashes. my face reddened more. shit.

he stood up all of a sudden, leaning closer to me.

w-what the fuck is he trying to do?

his face was so close to mine that i could feel his hot breath.

"are you sick," he smirked. "ai?"


no.. maybe he just got it from "airi".. he doesn't really mean 'love', right?

he just waited for me to answer, not moving his face an inch. i moved my gaze away from his face & thought of how to answer.

the door of the library slid open all of a sudden.

hyunjoon and i turned our heads to the people who just came.

"what are you two...?" gayeon & eric had a confused face on.

"no! don't get the wrong idea!" hyunjoon moved away & rapidly shook his head.

oh yeah, he likes gayeon.

i looked down at my lap then averted my eyes to the boy behind gayeon.

and i like eric.

"so.. what are you two doing here alone? it's late and every student went home already." eric asked as they entered.

"i-i'm just helping hyunjoon study." i reasoned. i then saw the amusement in their faces. probably because hyunjoon is studying.

"oh! we're here to study too! can we join you two?" gayeon skipped beside hyunjoon & sat down.

"s-sure.." hyunjoon answered.

eric then hesitantly sat down beside me.

i saw how gayeon peeked at hyunjoon's book. "do you need help at solving that?" she asked.

hyunjoon's ears reddened as he shook his head. "ah, n─"

"here's how you do it.." she snatched out a paper & a pen from her bag and showed hyunjoon how to solve the problem.

meanwhile, eric & i were just awkwardly looking at the two. i kept quiet, looking down at my science book.

eric fake coughed & smiled sweetly at me. "do you also need help?" he pointed at the book in front of me.

without letting me answer, he opened my book and went to a certain page.

"i think this topic would be the hardest. but i'll do my best to explain it well to you." he then flashed a smile.

i don't know what to reply so i nodded.

while eric was talking, i secretly looked over at gayeon & hyunjoon to see him glaring at eric.

sigh, i should try to make them friends again.

"did you get it?" eric suddenly asked. "w-what?"

way to go, airi. now you're just some stupid girl in his eyes.

eric chuckled and ruffled my hair. "it's okay if you didn't. i didn't get it at first too."

we then heard a scoff. we both looked over at hyunjoon who is fake coughing.

gayeon looked at him worriedly & handed him a bottle of water but hyunjoon just pushed it away, "i'm fine."

"do you guys want to eat with us after this?" gayeon asked. hyunjoon was about to object but i nodded, smiling. "sure!"

hyunjoon looked at me with a 'what-the-fuck-do-you-think-you're-doing' look.

i then replied back with an 'i'm-gonna-find-a-way-for-you-and-eric-to-be-friends-again' look.

"okay! let's go then!"


[ a/n: ]

what do yall think will happen when the four eats at one table?

a. airi will team up with gayeon so they can leave hyunjoon & eric alone (so the two can talk)

b. hyunjoon will find out what airi is trying to do so he will kick her leg again

c. they will eat in awkward silence

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