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[watch video above for
better understanding]



(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open, looking around at their surroundings only to be met with darkness. The room was completely dark and a dead silence was settled between the room. (Y/N) couldn't even hear the faith sounds of their breathing. Panic arose within them, the suspiciously calm and silent aura of the room only worry them furthermore. Their thoughts rushed recalling last night's events. They didn't remember getting drunk or anything similar to that matter. So then... wait-

"Did I suddenly get kidnap during my slumber?" The teen mumble breaking the dead silence that previously invaded the room. Their voice echo which made them even more confused about their whereabouts. Was there some sort of shady people that suddenly decided to break into their house, kidnap them, put them in a dark room to later sell their organs through the dark web? They hoped not because then that would be really fucked up.

Standing up on their feet they noticed a faint light in the distance. Hoping it could be an exit, (Y/N) walked towards it noticing that it wasn't an exit but rather a spotlight. Then, out of nowhere, (Y/N) heard a deep chuckle echo through the walls of the room. "Well hello," said a very monotone and sort-of robotic voice. "Wh-" The teen let out more confused than before. Suddenly, a giant green bird entered the spotlight, it's features illuminated by the light. (Y/N) gasped, eyes widening in terror.

What the- Was this... A dream? A nightmare? Where were they? What was this place? What the hell was going on?! Was this some sort of crazy illusion produced by a mysterious substance? Wait- were they on crack? No... (Y/N) was too broke for that. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON?!

In front of them, was probably their worst nightmare: the Duolingo bird. The bird's eyes were wide open. (Y/N) shivered, it's intense and cold glare fixed to the young teen. Staring right into their soul with those big, wide, and soulless eyes. (Y/N)'s breathing become hectic, their heart pounding in their chest at a fast rate, palms sweating and their eyes twitching in horror as they fixed their glare at the Duolingo bird's hand. They noticed the bird was holding a knife, several stains of blood covering it. More panic arose. They wanted to run, run, get the fuck out of there but they couldn't. Their body was paralyzed, their mind rushing with hundreds of thoughts.

Was this the end? Really? Dying in the hands and at the very mercy of this sadistic creature? Did (Y/N) really have to die like this? Really? Why couldn't they just die a normal death like in a car accident or by a heart attack? They very much preferred to take their own life than let this satanic hoe do it. Where was Light Yagami when you needed him?

Panicking, they looked around hoping they could mind an exit. Worst mistake ever. (Y/N) noticed several stains of blood on the floor, they swore they weren't there at first. Looking at their right, next to where the Duolingo bird stood they noticed-


"Shhh... Don't worry."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened as dread filled them. The disgusting and horrendous sight of a lifeless stack of bodies making them want to puke. Their face turned pale as they glance at the bodies once more, blood stained their clothes and their eyes seemed to have been ripped from their eye sacks. The look of horror in their faces...

"MFFF-" (Y/N) brought their hands up to their mouth in an attempt to prevent themselves from vomiting. So much for a worthless effort.

Turning around they stumble on their knees. "BLAH-"

The teen felt their stomach empty the meal they had last night. (Y/N) felt tears starting to prick at the end of their eyes, the tears rolling down their cheeks as the young teen puked.

"They couldn't see how awesome Duolingo really was, so I took out their eyes."


"Now (Y/N)... if you want to live, beg for your life in Spanish."


"I'll count to 5... uno, dos, tres, cuatro-"

The teen stood up, the confusion and terror being replaced with rage. Nothing but pure rage. A new feeling of bravery arose within them, "And tell me, why the fuck would I do that!?" They yelled, the madness taking over.

"Sweetheart it's simple really: Spanish or vanish." the bird said simply, staring directly at (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes. (Y/N) flinched, the uncalled affectionate tone of the assassin's bird voice as they pronounced the word 'sweetheart' catching them off guard. (Y/N) clicked their tongue, something inside of them snapping.


"Ah~ Frisky aren't we? You better watch what you say or I might just-"

"WHAT?! KILL ME!? I'll like to see you try p u s s y!"

"(Y/N), you better shut that naughty mouth of yours. Now."

"You know what?! FUCK YOU AND YOUR STUPID PATHETIC APP!" (Y/N) shouted in madness, rage filling their eyes. Flames boiling inside as they met eyes with whatever-tf this creature was. No, they wouldn't be afraid anymore. If this was simply a dream, then they'll take that to their advantage.

The Duolingo bird held a static face. Silence coming from them (him?).

"Hmm... I see." The bird whispered slowly turning around.

"Just you know... this won't end up like this, (Y/N)." the bird said, using a different tone as they pronounced (Y/N)'s name. The bird turned around disappearing into the darkness of the room. "HEY COME BACK YOU LIL' BIRD FUCKER!" The teen called out in rage.

"But just remember, it's Spanish or vanish, darling~" (Y/N)'s eyes widened as they heard a voice call out of from behind them. Hot breath fanning over their neck. "Wha-"

(Y/N) jolted from their bed. Sweat covered their forehead as they panted trying to catch their breath. Trying to wrap their heads to what tf just happened they got out of bed. Stumbling on their feet and almost tripping over. "Ngh-" (Y/N) whimper as they held a hand to their head, a really mad headache kicking in.


"Nani the fuck?"

- Famel Bob 🌿ˎˊ-

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