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"And... why are you here again?" Satan asked bored as he gazed at Duolingo who was standing in front of him playing with the hem of his hoodie nervously.

"I thought you left to the human world to find... ummm.. what was their name again? Something with a J? No- an A maybe? No no that was not it... I think it was... ummm..."

"[Y/N]" Duolingo responded for them.

Satan snapped his fingers, "Yes, [Y/N]! What? Did they reject you already...? Pfft- Well, would you look at Mr. Charming being dumped by a human," Satan chuckled looking at Duo who held an irritated look on their face.

"That's not it," Duo responded. "Then what is it?" Satan asked tilting his head to the side watching Duolingo with a curious look as they approached him.

The demon took a sharp inhale, sucking up his pride and letting the following words escape his mouth, "Please...! Satan, I am BEGGING you...! I need your help! I.. I... I-"

"Ohh~? Wait- are you serious? Duolingo begging and asking for help? The Duolingo? Man this is rare! Wait, let me record this..." Satan sneered taking out his iphone that had the words '𝐷𝐴𝐷𝐷𝑌 𝐶𝐻𝐼𝐿𝐿' written on it.

"Now, if you truly want my help, get on your knees and beg like a little bitch," Satan commanded his junior. "Tch, dammit..." Duo grumbled under his breath.

"So... what is it gonna be?"

Reluctantly, Duolingo got on his knees in front of Satan clutching his hands together as if he was about to pray.

"Please! Satan... I am BEGGING you! Please! I need you to give me some money. I accidently ran out of money while I was in the human world. I umm... gamble just a bit too much so please-! Satan, no, ummm... m-master..."

Satan tried to hold his phone still as his hand was trembling, he felt as if he was about to lose his shit and burst out laughing from such pity sight.

"Yeah~? You know what I like to be called. Say it."

Duolingo's face was flushed with embarrassment, rage, and regret but he knew this was the only way he could get money. "Ummm I..."

"Yes? I'm waiting."

"Umm... ᵈᵃᵈᵈʸ" Duolingo whispered in a rush manner as his face was burning in embarrassment.

"Please I... I desperately need
money... ᵈᵃᵈᵈʸ"

"Hmmm ok I see, you can stand up now," Satan informed Duo, pressing the 'stop recording' button and dragging his finger to the 'share' option and sending it to each of his contacts and also the 𝗗𝗔𝗗𝗗𝗬'𝗦 𝗛𝗢𝗘𝗦 😈🔪⛓️ group chat.

Satan looked up to Duolingo and put his phone face-down on his thigh, trying to hide the small smirk on his face.

"Ok... Look, right now I don't have much money with me," he lied.

"WHAT-?! You're saying... I did all of that, FOR NOTHING??!!" Duolingo barked.


"Not entirely," Satan commented glancing at Duo. "Say, how much money do you need?"

"Ummm I don't know like 15k? Oh and I also need an apartment, I've been sleeping in my car all this time."

"Which one?"

"My favorite one"

"Oh you mean the Sponge Bob one?"



"Hmmm ok, let's see

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"Hmmm ok, let's see..." Satan thought for a second resting his chin on his hand.

"Ok, I'll take care of the apartment, just don't burn it on fire like you did last time but I won't give you 15 thousand dollars." Satan told Duolingo who's eyes widened.


"Yeah that very much sounds like a you-problem, sorry not sorry."

"Then how-"

"But I know a way... that you can earn easy cash-cash and plus, I think you will very much enjoy it." Satan said, directing his eyes at Duo, a mischievous smirk playing on his face.

"If it's the cult thing again then no-"

"Work at a stripper's club."


"ᴬ ᵂᴴᴬᵀ 😀 ?"

"You heard me. Look, I know a very good place that pays very well. About 2 thousand a night so that's more than enough money for you. The person that runs the club is a friend of mine so they will also help you with the apartment settling stuff. So... whatcha say Duo?" Satan asked the demon.

Duolingo hesitated for a bit before sighing, "Fine, I guess."

Satan smile widely, clapping his hands. "Great! Then, that's that. Also, why you want the money? You littetly kidnap people for a living. Does it have something to do with that [Y/N] of yours?"

Duo chuckled, "Yeah, funny how they say they're not a sinner when they clearly are. I want to make them.. my sinner. Also, they can't learn Spanish for shit so I want to help them with that."

"Well, you got an interesting human going on. Now, get tf out of here before I make you."

"With pleasure," Duo said chuckling as he turned on his heel and left.

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𝙎𝙋𝘼𝙉𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙊𝙍 𝙑𝘼𝙉𝙄𝙎𝙃 » duolingo birdWhere stories live. Discover now