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Hey I'm honestly so sorry I haven't posted in so long.
Idfk why I've just not had barely any motivation to do anything??

Ive got the part I'm working on now about 3/4 of the way done, so that's something.

I started a new school last month, and I guess after things got better for me they've kinda gotten worse ish?
Nothing bad is really happening, just my mental health, and I've been rather lonely lately lmao.

But things are ok, I've started going on runs everyday, so maybe that will help or something idfk.

It might take me awhile to start wanting again, sorry, but I wanna focus on myself for a bit.
But like honestly, all of the comments on my story's, and all of the reads I've been getting really help motivate me to write. Everytime I see that someone liked something I wrote, I
A. Wonder why the hell someone would like my writing, and
B. Hype myself up and write like 3 paragraphs and get tired of writing lmao.

Well anyways, enough with the self pity, time for a shameless plug.
I have started writing another book it's a haikyuu angst story, so go check that out if you want. I don't know you don't have to.

Also, if you want, go check out my tik tok, my name is _im_so_confused_
Uhh yeah, I cosplay and post cringey content.
So it you're into that, check it out lmao.

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