Tendou x reader

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This next chapter is going to be set in a different time, and place. You both live in a small town, just outside of the woods. The woods are said to be dangerous, so nobody ever leaves your town

Au: red coils

People are born with a string coiled like wire around their left ring finger.
You start out with 10 coils, but as you get closer to meeting your soulmate, the coils will disappear.

"Stop it Tendou!" You shout as you shield your left hand away from the red head.
"Come on (y/n), we won't ever know what happens if we don't try!" He says while still trying to grab your hand.

You put your left hand in your pocket, and use your right to keep him away.

"But it is forbidden. I would if I could, you know I'd love to know what would happen if the coils were to touch, but we can't. Something bad could happen!" You say as you struggle to hold back the lanky boy.

"Yeah, I know! We could lose our finger!" He says, holding up his left ring finger and wiggling it. "But that's the fun in it, we don't know what will happen, we don't even know if anything will happen at all!"

You and Tendou aren't soulmates, though you both only have five coils left. It is forbidden to touch coils if you aren't meant to be together. It could result in a number of things, you could lose your finger, or your coils all together!
Not that you'd mind if you lost your mark, you never even liked it anyway.

Why does some stupid mark on your hand get to decide who you love? What if you don't even love who you're meant to be with? It's not like that's not possible, just take your parents for example.
They are to blame for your fear of your future love. They don't love each other, in fact, they want nothing to do with each other.
Every night, it's a constant fight. It is just a cycle for them, their lives seem unbearable, and you don't want that for yourself. All it is, is wake up, work out in the orchard, close up the shops, fight, and go to bed. The thought of you living your life like that terrifies you.

You'd love to commit the crime of falling in love with someone other than the one you're supposed to be with, but in all reality, you're scared of that too.

"Tendou, stop" you say, getting serious."we can't. I'm sorry."

He stops and looks at you, the grin on his face shifting to a more serious frown.
"Why not?"

His reply makes you stop.
"Why not?" You repeat "just because! We don't know what will happen-" you say, only to be cut off.

"That's exactly why we should do it!' he interrupts you "we don't know what will happen! What if nothing even happens? We don't even know why we shouldn't, nobody has ever tried!"

His answer hits you like a truck. He makes a good point. Nobody that you know of has tried. But there have been reports on the news of young rebellious teens, or stupid kids holding hands, and something bad always happens.
Like one time, a young boy held hands with his friend, and the news said that each of them lost their left hand. But don't those stories seem a bit too outrageous to be true? They didn't show any pictures of the kids, so why should you believe it?

It's rumored that the tales of things that could happen if you were to touch someone who wasn't your soulmate are fake. Just stories to keep kids from kissing, or other things...

You stare at him, speechless. You open your mouth to say something, but before you can, he does.
"Why don't we run away? That would be fun. Just to leave." He says in such a nonchalant tone it surprises you.
Mr.chicken head locks his fingers behind his head and he looks up at the blue sky.

Haikyuu x reader soulmate AU SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now