Chapter 10

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After a long day of signing papers and doing so much paper work she had to get ready for a party she was invited to. It was a masquerade party, which she didn't mind wearing a mask either. The thing is, anyone can do anything and they won't know who they are, unless you tell them who you are duh. She got her best dress for the party, her mask was silver with gems outlining it and having a white feather on the side, with white low-heel shoes. Lizzy's butler, Sebastian of course dressed in an all black Butler attire but had on a white mask with red lines drawn on it making designed on it. She had her mask tie on her head, her and Sebastian headed out to the party. After getting to the party and getting stuff to drink, they were saying hi to everyone even having small chats. Soon everyone started to be seated, Lizzy and Sebastian was seated at a table beside each other as they look to the person who was speaking, a young man.

"Thank you all for coming to our party. As you know, the proceeds this evening will go to a charity my wife and I have discover. Let's begin the bidding at 1,000 dollars? Do I hear 1,000?" He said as the bidding started to go. Lizzy was sitting there as she felt Sebastian's hand on her leg, took everything in Lizzy not to blush red. Once she heard about taking a vacation somewhere on an island her interest was peak. People kept bidding, she had a sign that she could raise. She heard some yell 20,000 dollars, she raise her sign up, "28,000 dollars." As Sebastian looked at her shocked, she looked at him and smiled. No one was going to bid higher than her due to no one saying anything higher. "Going once? Going twice? Sold! To the young lady." He said everyone started to clap.

"Don't you need that money for other things?" Sebastian whispered to Lizzy. "Well, now it will go to someone who needs it more than me." She said looking at him, he gave her a look. "I don't know weather to worship you or to punish you." He said, Lizzy seen the lust starting to fill his eyes. "What?" She said shocked by what he said to her, he LIKES HER? She knew he wasn't lying by his eyes filling with lust, "Let's go." He said getting up, she look confused before getting up and following him. They went to the carriage as they got in to leave, they sat across each other silent. "Why did we leave early?" She ask him, silent, wasn't even looking at her, he was looking out the window. "Sebastian?" She ask and before she knew it, he had her pin to the seat of the carriage, on top of her. "S-Sebastian?!" She said in shock and her face turned a bright red, she was extremely confused by his actions.

"Elizabeth..." He said in a seductively in her ear, almost sounding like a growl. She blush was very scared of what was happening. He licked her neck making her shiver and tremble under him. "Why must you do this? Everything you do makes me crave you, make me want you..." He whispers in her ears making her blush more red than she already was. "Seba-" She started but he put his fingers over her mouth. "Dear Lizzy, please tell me if you feel the same. If so let me know what lines to cross and not to." He said asking her, Elizabeth thought, she really did like him. Ciel wasn't around anymore and she's been through hell and Sebastian saved her. She had to admit she was falling for him more everyday.

"I do feel the same. If you cross any lines I would tell you." She said as he started into her eyes. He took his mask off and hers off. They both started as each other before they slowly moved their lips together. This was her first kiss, Sebastian knew it was her first and wanted to make it unforgettable.

Light To My Darkness {Black Butler Sebastian X Elizabeth Story}Where stories live. Discover now