Chapter Three: We Need to Get Out of Here

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"It's not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change."

-Charles Darwin


Damien's P.O.V

"How did we get here?" I kept asking myself. A few hours ago we were all near death, hallucinating by how empty our stomachs are.

Then, I remembered. A friend made the ultimate sacrifice.

His words bounced around in my mind like a balloon that refuses to deflate over time. He had taught the rest of us everything he knew about survival. There was nothing left for him.

No reason to keep moving forward.

So, he gave himself up so the rest of us could have a chance at making it. He's gone now.

"All I wanted was to help the rest of you make it back to your friends. I have nothing else to give... but myself. I have nothing, you see. Nobody worth living for. All I have is this group right here... and I'll gladly die for this group."

Don't get me wrong, we were all delirious from hunger... but none of us hesitated. We all agreed with his sacrifice. Including me.

He wanted me to do it. He chose me to be the one to snap his neck. No shooting or knives to the head, since it wouldn't be quick enough.

I don't know why he chose me. I was the weakest—I hadn't eaten for at least five days, and everyone else hadn't eaten for four. Were we close as friends? Possibly. But now that my mind is clearer than before, I think I can understand why he chose me.

His last words. "You need to be strong for the rest of them, Damien."


Shayne's P.O.V

I awoke to a loud ringing in my ears. The light of the flames blinded me as my vision was blurry. I blinked a few times. All I could see was blood on the stalk of the tree in front of me, being consumed by fire. I looked up, and noticed a large flame-consumed branch falling down, as if in slow motion. I watched it, admiring it as if it were a star in the sky.


My eyes grew wide. I darted out of the way just in time for the branch to hit the ground. It was as big as I was, and the flames only grew larger.

I took a deep sigh of relief and rested my head in the snow. "Shit... oh, shit..."

I felt a couple of hands help me up to my feet.

It was Opal. "God, are you okay?! That was a close one. Are you bit?!"

"No. I don't think so. How about you? Come across any infected?" I asked.

"Thank God no. I can't find Dante. Help me look for him." She said as she cocked her pistol.

"Wait... is that...?" I pointed behind her.

Midst the ash and debris, I could see a figure sitting in the middle of all of it. He was not moving like any of the monsters would. He was alive.

"It's him!" Opal exclaimed.

We rushed over and avoided all the rubbish. I tripped off of something sharp, cutting my foot. It stung, especially in the cool winter breeze. I ignored it once I could see Dante clearly.

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