Chapter Twelve: The True Meaning Of Purgatory

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|In The Previous Chapter...|

"'We are being held captive...Parents being crazy...Not longer until death...Please worry...Getting tired...Survival is inevitable no more...We love you...'"
"Dinner's almost ready. Hope you guys like barbecue. Tonight's an extra special night for your mother, Courtney. She's missed having visitors."



|And so we begin.|


Shayne's P.O.V

"Get ready, my little monkey..."

"More is coming."

Her voice replayed itself in my mind like a broken record. My eyes stayed wide open with shock, and the urge to throw up mixed itself with the urge to look away. I knew there was no way I could show Courtney this.

"Shayne? What do you see—?!"

I shut the door before she could take a look inside. I placed myself in between her and the door leading to her despair.

"What the fuck?!" She exclaimed.

"Don't go in there." I said, feeling my chest rise up and down constantly with anxiety. "Let me just tell you what's in there, but whatever you do..."

"Why won't you let me see them?" She asked, confused. "I don't hear anything... they're not alive, are they?"

My mouth was moving, but no words came out. I was not sure how to begin telling her that her parents have been using her own brothers as...


She tried pushing me aside.

I did not budge.

"God, Shayne! Don't you get how important this is for me?! I haven't seen them in forever!"

"I do know! I just don't want you getting hurt anymore, Courtney! I don't want to lose you—!"


She glared at me, furiously. I felt those words fly at me like a bat being swung. It stung once it made contact with my heart, and the realization about how right she was hurt the most.

Once my guard was down, she was finally able to push me aside. Before I could take another step, she opened the door.

She froze. Her hand was glued to the doorknob. I did not dare walk towards her. I circled around her until I was staring at her back as her eyes were stuck on the image in front of her.

Her hand went numb and fell off the knob. She walked a few inches closer to her brothers while her knees fell closer to the ground.

"No... NOOO!" She cried. "Oh, fuck... OH MY GOD!"

Suddenly, I felt something hard hit the back of my head. I fell to the ground, feeling the pain from Ian's beating the night before become ten times worse. I looked up at a furious father holding a crowbar, then at Courtney. I reached out to her, trying to warn her.


Another hit to the head, and I was out cold.


Courtney's P.O.V

I turned around, hearing someone say my name.


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