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Y/N's P.O.V.

"I don't understand. They keep following me." Diego ranted as I watched Luther make a mess he called breakfast.

"Who?" The giant asked and I sat on the table.

"These Dutch sociopaths." Diego sighed.

"They're Swedish, you idiot." Five rolled his eyes.
"Hired guns paid to eradicate us before we do any damage to this timeline."

"Yeah, but why now?" Diego questioned.
"I mean I'm... fine for 3 months until you two showed up."

"Yeah, I was here for a year and no one messed with me." Luther added and I didn't know if I should tell him that people probably avoided him out of fear of how big he was.

"Even if it is our fault, which it isn't, we only have 6 days before the end of the world, and the closest anyone has gotten to dad is that driveway in the consulate." Five sighed.

"Well... that's not exactly true." Luther mumbled and we all looked at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked carefully.

"I saw him." Luther explained how when he first got to Dallas he got a bus all the way back to the academy and he confronted Hargreeves in his own home, but got rejected.

"That's pathetic." Diego mumbled as Luther sat down with the whole pan of eggs.

"Yeah, well, at least he didn't shank my ass." Luther said with a mouthful of food.

"No, bro, he shanked your heart." Five nodded in agreement and I smirked.

"Is that my... bathrobe?" Elliott asked, coming into the kitchen and looking at Luther.


"Look, who cares what he shanked? He knows something about time travel." Five sighed.

"Um, why don't you just do your thing and time travel us out?" Elliott suggested and Five stood up.

"Y/N, want to explain?" Five asked, picking up my empty cup and going over to the coffee pot.

"First time he tried he got lost in the apocalypse for over 40 years. The second time he tried a different approach and we both ended up in our teenage bodies, even though we time traveled separately." I explained and Elliott looked concerned.

"Last time I tried, I scattered my family across 3 years in Dallas, Texas, possibly triggering a doomsday. Y/N and I were lucky enough to have stayed together." Five sighed.

"How come you guys managed that by the way?" Diego asked curiously.

"We were the ones that opened the portal." I shrugged.
"Any more questions, Elliott?"

"Uh, no." He smiled slightly.

"Guys, you're all missing the bigger picture here." Diego said seriously.
"Dad is the ringleader of a sinister cabal that's planning to kill the president."

"A cabal?" Luther asked.

"Ignore him." I sighed.

"Look, the way I see it we only have one option." Five crossed his arms and I went over and took my coffee from him.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Luther asked.

"It's time to get the Umbrella Academy back together." Five smiled a little.

"Hell yeah, family meeting." Diego grinned.

"Okay, can one of you three get Allison please?" Luther asked, surprising me a little.

"You two still a thing?" Diego asked with a smirk and Luther pulled a face.
"Do we need to talk?"

"No, she's married." Luther spoke and my eyes widened slightly.

"Woah. Dude, that's rough." Diego muttered and I rolled my eyes.

"I can handle it." Luther shovelled more eggs into his mouth.

"We'll get her." Five sighed and I put the cup down.
"Can you get Vanya without, uh, squeezing her to death?"

"I'll try." Luther glared at us as we moved towards the exit. Five took my hand and spacial jumped us away, just as Elliott was about to say something.
We stood outside of a house in the middle of what looked like a nice neighbourhood and Five sighed.

"How do you know where Allison lives?" I asked curiously.

"I've known for a day or two, but I knew she'd be the easiest to convince so I figured we'd leave her until last." Five explained and I nodded.

"And Klaus?" There was a smash from inside, followed by two familiar laughs.
"Oh." Five nodded and we walked up to the door, before knocking loudly. It was a few seconds later when the door opened, revealing a very drunk Allison.

"Klaus!" She yelled excitedly.
"Look who's here!" I looked at Five in amusement, seeing a smile on his face.

"Y/N! Five!" Klaus gasped dramatically.
"It's been forever!"

"Just a few days for us." I smiled and he giggled.

"The Umbrella Academy needs you. Both of you." Five sighed and Allison smiled.

"I'll get my jacket." She nodded.

"I need my sunglasses!" Klaus yelled loudly and I laughed slightly. Once they were ready, Five got us all back to Elliott's and we went inside.

"Is anyone here? Hello?" Allison giggled.

"Le petite mort, Le petite mort." Klaus muttered and I looked at him in confusion.

"What? You don't speak French?" Allison giggled more.

"It's the little death." Klaus grinned and I laughed a little.
"Oh, wow. Look at this old stuff." Five moved over to my side and laced his fingers with mine as we looked up at the others.
"Woah. I know this is impossible, but did we all get sexier?"

"Vanya." Allison whispered.

"I can't believe I have a sister." Vanya smiled as they all came down to us. Allison and Vanya hugged as Diego laughed at Klaus for being drunk.

"That is so sweet." He whispered and I remembered the last time he said those words, causing me to shudder. Thankfully there were snow globes nearby and he went over and joined the hug.

"No, Jesus." Allison groaned.

"Hey, Vanny." Klaus kissed her head and I smiled proudly. Last time they were all together... it wasn't so sweet.

"Klaus. Is Ben here?" Five asked.

"No. Unfortunately, ghosts can't time travel." Klaus replied instantly and Five and I exchanged a look. That was bullshit, we both saw him before the nukes went off.

"Alright then." Five sighed.
"Let's get down to business."

Five x Reader - Time After TimeWhere stories live. Discover now