Update 2

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Well, I've been thinking, and ive come to a decision. Im going to revamp this book, Rereading this ive realized the plot is all over the place and I wouldn't be able to do what I originally wanted to. Since that is my dilemma at the moment, it'd be best to restart and remaster it.

Ive decided to also leave this one up as a reference for myself, but this book will not be getting anymore update; unless I post the link on a separate chapter then here. Thank you for sticking so long with me, and I will try my best to make sense in the Revamped version of this.

I'm sorry for taking so long on the chapters too, If you have any suggestions or request, don't feel scared to ask. Im always open to anything.

Have a great night, and make sure to get lots of sleep, after all we still have school right?


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