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March 18, 2018

Selene stood in the hotel bathroom with scissors in her hand. She was sick of having to constantly fight with her long curly hair. It got tangled easily and she had broken many scrunchies trying to detangle it. Her hair was put into four different sections so it would be easier for her to cut it. She placed the scissors to her hair before sighing.

"What the fuck am I doing?" she muttered as she placed the tool down. She decided it would be better if she would place a rubber band on where she was gonna cut it. She grabbed one from off the sink and placed it on her hair just below her shoulders. A soft knock on the door interrupted her; making her groan. She quickly grabbed a bigger scrub his and placed her hair into a messy bun.

She walked to the door and looked through the peephole. She couldn't tell who it was because they had a hood on that was doing a good job at covering their face. Their hands were in their pockets. Selene could tell that they were nervous. The way they bobbed up and down on their heels of their feet have it away.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"Um... it's Harry," he said. His voice seemed like a whisper almost. Selene opened to she Harry looking completely torn. His eyes and nose was red, his hair was all in his face, and there was tears still coming down his face. His green eyes desperately looked at Selene. His lips slightly quivered as he shook his head.

"I-I didn't know where to go. No one else was up and I-I," he started, his voice breaking. Selene was shocked. She had never seen Harry like this. He looked broken as hell. Like someone ripped his heart out of his chest repeatedly. He collapsed in Selene's arm; the girls hugging him back. She turned slightly and kicked the door close.

"What's wrong Harry?" she asked softly. He only squeezed her tighter. He buried his head into her neck and slightly sniffled. Their position was weird because of the height difference but neither of them was uncomfortable. Harry just needed someone to cry on and Selene was going to let him. He had helped her that one night in Paris in 2017 and she owed him. Selene rubbed his back as he let out a sob.

She had wondered what had happened for him to be this distraught. She had seen him a few hours before and he looked perfectly fine. "H, you need to sit down and calm down. I can't help if I don't know what's wrong," she calmly said as she let go of the hug. She watched as he trudged his way to the bed, his head hanging low. He sat down and started messing with his rings. She had noticed that he always did that when he was either nervous or anxious.

Selene sat by him with her hands on her lap. "I- I messed up Selene. She doesn't- I don't think she loves me anymore," he whispered, looking into her eyes. Camille. She was just at a show today. What the hell could've happened in such a short time?

"What did you do?" Selene asked.

"I don't know..."

It broke Selene seeing how unlike Harry he was. Harry was always there for everyone and now he needed that. He needed someone by his side. Selene was gonna be there for him. Selene scooted closer to Harry and pushed his hair out of his face. It was way longer than last year so his dark hair covered his sight. "Can I hug you again?" he asked, his voice quiet.

"Go ahead."

He turned to face her and then wrapped his long arms around her neck. She placed her arms around his waist and leaned in. He balled his hands in a fist around the fabric of her shirt. Like he didn't want to let go. Selene rubbed his back.

"I don't know I did wrong," he croaked out. Selene ran a hand through his hair for comfort. The two stayed like this until Harry calmed down. Selene told him things like, "it'll be okay," other comforting things. Harry eventually pulled away and wiped his eyes.

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