twenty eight

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March 7, 2019


The guitarist was clumsy for starters. She practically was a walking hazard to herself. Step one. Do not try to hurry and rearrange your apartment while being frustrated.

Step two. Don't leave random things on the floor. She should have placed everything that needed to be moved on the couch or on the counters. Instead her dumbass placed just about everything on the floor. Long story short, the twenty three year old tripped on a piece of furniture and landed straight on her ankle. Was she in pain? Yes. Was she going to cry? Maybe.

She scrunched up her face as she tried not to say every swear word she could think of at the moment. "Fucking... hell," she strained. Keyword, tried. She looked at her foot which was already bruising and swelling up. She lightly touched it with her fingertips, a sharp pain running through her leg.

At least her phone was in her hand when she fell. Who was she gonna call? Harry or Mitch? Mitch would probably— will find a way to joke about this. The only problem was that she didn't know if Harry was probably busy and was farther away. Mitch it was.

She pressed his contact number and the lead guitarist answered within five seconds.


"Hi Mitch... I- uhm... I got myself into a situation," she strained.

"What? What happened?"

"Funny story actually. See I was moving stuff and I kinda fell over some furniture and my ankle kinda might be broke," she spoke.

"Is this a prank?"

"Why the fuck would I prank you over the phone?"

"Good point. Me and Sarah will be there in a few."

Selene sighed and hung up as she waited for Mitch to arrive. She had to unlock the door. She stood up using her non aching foot and practically hopped her way to the door. The pain only got worse as her foot flung slightly from her moving. It didn't take her long to make her way to the door and unlock it and then make her way to the couch. Caden jumped onto the couch and placed his head into her lap. She scrunched up her face in discomfort from her swelled foot and placed her hand onto the husky.

She had fractured her arm when she was way younger but barely even remembered that it happen. She had to wear a cast for a month and a half. She was honestly freaking the hell out. Her foot was getting even more purple and swelling by the minute. She closed her eyes and threw her head back.

Don't think. Don't think. Don't think.

Mitch and Sarah only took about fifth teen minutes to get to to Selene's apartment since they were right around the corner from her. She was glad that the two cared about her. That they would drop everything and drive to a damn hospital for her. Selene breathed out a deep breath as three knocks sounded on the front door.

"It's unlocked!" she yelled; Mitch opening the door soon after. His eyes widened at the stuff that was piled on her floor.

"What the hell Selene? Why did you try to move all of this in the first place?" he asked as he just about tip toed through the living room.

"I didn't like the way my apartment was set up so I um... tried to change it," she mumbled. Sarah looked at her foot and winced.

"You couldn't have called Harry to help you move things?" she asked.

"No? We're not dating and he's probably busy right now so..." she trailed off.

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