thirty three

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May 5, 2019


Harry had a full schedule today. He had to meet with Alessandro, go over him co-hosting, and then he had a dinner with them later. Selene was only going to be with him once and that was when he was meeting with Alessandro.

Selene had yet to see what Harry had picked out for her. No matter how many times she had asked, he didn't budge. She tried to make at least three bargains already.

"Harry?" she called out, the singer turning his head. "Yeah?" he questioned.

"Can I see this dress?"


"I'll give you a kiss!"

"You already do love."

It was now eight in the morning and Harry was once again dragging Selene out of the bed. Quite literally. She gripped the sheets as Harry pulled her off the bed by her feet.

"Harry let me go! I will get up," she laughed out.

"Are you sure about that?"


Harry let go of her hesitantly and backed away. Selene stood up and wrapped one of the blankets around her. Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "What? I said i'll get up. It's cold," she muttered.

"It's not cold-"

"Yes it is."

"I'll turn the A/C up if you take off the blanket. I know that your just going to go back to sleep on the couch if you bring that out there," he stated. Selene groaned as she placed the blanket back onto the bed, the woman crossing her arms in hopes to get warm. Harry walked to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. The two walked out of the bedroom and to the kitchen where the A/C was located. He used his other arm to turn it up.

"What time are we leaving?" she asked as Harry pulled her into his chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist in return.

"In two hours. After this meeting i'll get somebody to drop you back off since I have to go somewhere else right after that," he said as he kissed her forehead. She let out a breathy laugh. She fucking loved when he did that. She wanted to stay in his arms for the rest of the day but she knew that neither of them could be late. She let go of his waist and took a good look at him. His hair was parted in the middle, like it always was in the morning. He would wake up with one but then mess it up so he wouldn't have one anymore. His pupils were dilated a bit— but when weren't they? He had a bit of stubble but Selene knew that he was going to shave a bit before tomorrow.

"I'm going to cook breakfast," he mumbled. Selene nodded. "Okay, i'm going to go take a shower," she announced. Harry smirked. "Actually, can I-"

She pushed his chest softly. "Finish that sentence and you're getting kicked in the balls Styles," she retorted. He threw his hands up.

"You didn't even know what I was going to say," he mumbled. Selene rolled her eyes as she walked back to the room. "We both know what you were going to say!" she yelled.

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