Chapter 30

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"How can we make sure that none of us are too close to that thing?" Silv asked.

Potential danger didn't sit well with her, but she knew their choices were limited. Thus, she decided that at least they could think through everything carefully and do everything in their power to minimize the potential danger for their well-being.

"We should probably coordinate with Sei Eis," Silv said.

"Can you give us the precise location of the tunnels as well as the exact place where your sister plans to activate the device?" Rose asked, turning to Wir Eis.

Being in control seemed to come so naturally to Rose that the two younger humans didn't even think about objecting to the fact that she took over the lead. As much as they both wanted to be in charge, they were used to recognizing the higher authority and following orders.

"Tunnels, now. Position later." Wir Eis said.

"She still hasn't reached our location?" Rose asked.

"No. On the way." Wir Eis replied.

"Alright. Arthur, would you please give us the map of the area with the adjustment module turned on?" Rose asked.

"Right away, milady," Arthur replied.

Then the map projected out of his eye and onto the palm of Rose's hand, settling there with ease.

"We are here," Rose said, pointing out their location.

"Now, if I turn on depth, we can work with another dimension and map out the tunnels," Rose said, enlarging the map while adding another dimension to it.

Thus, she created an empty canvas that could help them map out the underground tunnels.

"Okay, Wir Eis, all you need to do is drag your finger against this blank canvas, indicating all the tunnels, and you can perhaps highlight the main ones," Rose said.

"Wir Eis do that." Wir Eis said, stepping closer.

"Big tunnel Evanescence waste come through. Space big. Can go through." Wir Eis said, marking the tunnel on the map clumsily.

"I know I'll regret asking this, but is there any chance, we know...drown in the waste?" Justin asked.

"Not in main tunnels. Not too deep waste." Wir Eis said.

"Do we have to walk through the waste? Will it burn us or harm us in any other way?" Silv asked, wanting to make sure they knew what they were getting themselves into.

After all, any alien substances they encountered could be deadly for them as far as they knew, precaution was a necessity.

"Yes, all tunnels waste. Some more. Some less. Eis Neu not hurt. Human don't know." Wir Eis said.

"Isn't that just great. We might be burned to a crisp by alien gunk, and we don't know anything for sure." Justin said, frustrated.

He was a brave guy, not afraid to confront any enemy but he wasn't so happy about the possibility of dying in alien waste, not the most dignified way to go as far as he was concerned.

"Listen up. We first worry about not disintegrating. Once the hole is made, Wir Eis and Arthur will go in first since the waste can't damage them. Then, we will go down. If it starts eating our shoes or something like that, I am sure that the two of them can manage to carry the three of us. Alright?" Rose asked.

"Alright," Silv replied though she didn't like the plan in the slightest.

As far as she was concerned, it had too many flaws, but since she had no other solutions, she decided to keep her opinions to herself.

"Sister here. Preparing location." Wir Eis said.

"Good. As soon as we get this over with the better." Rose said, scanning their surroundings for danger.

"What is the phaser's range?" Silv asked.

"Two meters. She activate here." Wir Eis said, tapping the map.

"Arthur, please calculate the safest distance for us and display it on the map," Rose said.

"Right away, mistress," Arthur said.

Moments later, five red dots appeared on the map indicating the safest positions.

"How sure are you about this?" Silv asked.

"Ninety percent," Arthur said.

"Why not more?" she asked, wanting to cover her basis.

Usually, Arthur could calculate things with one hundred percent certainty. Thus, his estimate came as a shock to Silv, who was too used to his perfect calculations to appreciate the percentages he gave her.

"Information received from a second source can be flawed. The best I can do is make an estimation since I have no files to rely upon when it comes to the functioning and range of alien technology." Arthur said.

"That's good enough for me," Justin said, moving in the direction indicated on the map.

The others followed his example quickly since it was clear they couldn't stay in the open for much longer. That was especially true since the snowstorm was calming down, and the visibility was increasing.

If they didn't make their move, they would be spotted by the Government soldiers and all their plans would go to waste.

"Everyone ready?" Rose asked.

They all nodded their heads, opting not to speak for fear of their voices betraying their hesitations. After all, it was not every day that one could be disintegrated.

"Tell your sister to activate or fire the device, whatever it is she needs to do," Rose told Wir Eis.

Wir Eis closed his eyes in concentration, and soon enough, a gaping hole stood before them.

Silv expected there would be an explosion and that they would have to run down the tunnels to escape the Government pursuit, but there was nothing.

A light vibration was all that they felt before earth opened up to reveal a large tunnel in which Sei Eis stood with disapproval clear on her alien face. What she held in her hands reminded Silv of a large gun, but it was clear that was what the phaser looked like.

Sei Eis was clearly not happy about the increased human presence in their sanctuary. However, she chose not to say anything but set off in the direction of the ship.

Besides the alien, they could see a stream of green liquid that looked as foul as it smelt. It reminded Silv of the smell of hospitals and excrement, and it was all she could do not to start vomiting.

"Do we really have to go down there?" she asked with disgust.

"Yes." Wir Eis said as he jumped in, followed by Arthur.

"Here we go!" Justin said, joining them.

Soon, Silv and Rose followed, landing with a big splash that only worsened the putrid smell that seemed to permeate the place.

"This way." Wir Eis said.

The humans followed him, cautiously treading through the slimy liquid. However, all it did was smell bad and cling to their shoes. Luckily for them, there was no acid strong enough to burn their shoes or anything along those lines in the waste.

Still, they picked up speed, not wanting to risk throwing up their breakfast.

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