The Welcome Ball

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"This is the first ball we have held in sixteen years" Gray said, he had taken me to a separate dorm so I was able to get ready. He looked effortless as he leant against the door frame, his hands in his suit pockets.

"I can't get my dress on" I whined. The last thing I needed was for Gray to see my half naked but I needed help. A faint smirk appeared on his lips and in three strides he was by my side. He took the dress from my hands and guided my head through the skirts.

The dress itself was grey lace adorned with flowers on the corset. The material layered around my hips and fell gracefully around my feet with shimmering diamonds dotted randomly.

His fingers brushed my waist as he carefully tied the corset, sending ripples of energy down my spine. "Thank you"

"Hold on one moment, there are still a few more things to make it complete" he reached over to a small wooden jewellery box. I lifted the lid and held a small crystal tiara in his hands. Next to it in the box lay a half crescent moon necklace surrounding a blue stone that resembled the night sky.

"They were your mother's" he said softly.

I looked down at them numbly "They're beautiful" I touched the necklace gently; this was the first link to my birth mother.

"Before she died, she requested that they were given to you, when the time was right" he held the necklace carefully, his fingers brushed the skin on my neck sending heat to my cheeks. The metal of the necklace was cold against my flushed skin.

"Now to crown you" he said, moving my hair to its original place. He stood directly in front of me, making me feel small. The tiara fit perfectly.

"Beautiful" he whispered as his eyes met mine. I wanted him to kiss me, I prayed that he kissed me. "I need to escort you to the hall" he breathed, his face inches from mine. I snapped out of my trance; disappointment rushed my body. "Yes, thank you"

As we made our way down to the ball my mind kept replaying his words, re living that moment. I hadn't even noticed we had arrived in the ball until Gray nudged me slightly. "Bow" he hissed.

Every eye was on me. "Dance with me" Gray whispered. His hands found my waist, his touch was gentle but dominant as he drew my body close to his torso.

He brought his mouth down to my ear "Everyone is on high alert; I need to stay with you at all times". It was hard to focus on his words with his face so close to mine.

"Aurora won't be happy" I said, pointedly.

"She is not my main concern tonight" It was the first time I had heard him be blunt. I let myself get lost in the music and Gray. My body was free. As the music softened Gray led me away from the ballroom floor.

"Why Is the ball going ahead if they are worried about an attack?"

His body stiffened as he guided us through the crowd "Keep your voice low, we don't want to alert anyone. We have to appear united and unafraid, show the enemy that they can't stop us from coming together. That shows we are weak"

I guess it made sense, but not enough to put so many people in danger.

"Wait here, I need to check everyone is in place" he squeezed my hand before dropping it and disappearing into the frenzy of dancing couples.

Harriet's beaming smile appeared in front of me. "Do you recognise those men over there" she pointed discretely to a cluster of men wearing black masks, all silent, almost stone like, and watching me and Harriet.

"They've barely taken their eyes off of you"

A wave of dread seeped through my body. They didn't look normal; I knew they weren't Fae. "Where is Gray, I need to fine Gray, Harriet"

I began to move away from the creatures, only for them to move forward too. I grabbed Harriet's arm and lowered my voice. "Harriet, something had is about to happen, get as many people out of the Academy as possible. I need to find Gray"

If she was scared, she didn't show it, she disappeared into the crowd just as someone grabbed my upper arm roughly. "Do not say anything" a low voice growled. "It is better for your sake that you don't fight us"

Fear rose up my throat, ready to erupt into a scream but I remained silent as I was pushed out of the ballroom.

A dark cloth was placed over my eyes, to conceal the identity of my kidnapper, although the distinct musty smell told me they didn't wash often. The crisp autumn air nipped at my skin as we left the Academy, surely the Sentries had seen us leaving?

"Lift her in" the gruff voice spoke again. I tried to fight against the new pair of arms that wrapped around my shoulders, but I was pushed down, against a rough surface. I screamed, knowing know one could hear me, I needed to survive. "Shut it" a new voice growled, white heat spread across my face as something hard hit striked me. Gasping, I clawed at the hand that was now holding a handful of my hair and slammed my head against the ground. A scream burst from my lungs as pain spread across my head.

I hear a shout and the attacker released me, clumsily I scraped the blindfold from my eyes to watch the scene in front of me. I was dipping in and out of consciousness, someone was running towards us, then I hear thumps, kicks and groans.

I tried to focus hard on the new figure, his bright blue eyes focused on mine.

"Gray" I croaked.

"Come on Ariella" Gray's soft voice was a blanket of comfort. "I need to get you safe before I go back in there" His strong arm held my body.

"You came" I cried "I thought you had left me"

"Of course, I'll always come back for you" his face showed no emotion but he pressed his forehead against mine and gently tipped my chin up. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. Unsaid emotions and words tippled out between us and I lost all sense of time. He pulled away and opened his mouth as if to say something as screams erupted from the ball room.

"There is a hidden door behind the painting of your parents over there, it will take you to the Weather Eye, a guard is waiting for you there" I tried to take note of the information he was throwing at me but all I could focus on was his lips on mine. "You're not coming with me?" I asked.

"I need to fight Ariella; you are safe though and I will come straight to you once it's over" He pulled out his sword and ran back into the chaos.

The tower was bare, with a singular sofa in one corner. What was I supposed to do now? I lay down and closed my eyes, hoping that Gray would come through the doors.

A loud slam awoke me from a deep sleep, causing me to jump. I could make out Gray's silhouette crossing the room.

"Oh, thank god you're okay" I threw myself into his arms. He groaned in pain as my body made contact with his.

I gasped and pulled back "You're hurt" I began inspecting his body for injuries.

"It's okay, I'm okay" he said through gritted teeth. "We have bigger things to worry about"

"What happened?"

"They brought in an army of outlaws and criminals who have been banished to live their lives in nowhere land, we killed most and the rest retreated, but we lost a lot of soldiers and even more civilians"

I didn't know what to feel. Anger? Disappointment? Sadness? Helplessness. "I wish I could have done more"

"You need to stay alive Ariella" he winced as he sat down on the bed. "Take off your shirt" I sighed. I dampened a cloth.

He looked up at me in alarm before noticing the cloth. Slowly, he unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a toned torso and chest. The gash across his chest was deep, I guessed an animal had gotten him. "This might hurt a little"

He inhaled sharply as I began to dab at the wound. "I don't have any bandages."

"Let it breathe" he whispered.

"It's all my fault"

He opened his arms inviting me to lay down with him. His heart was steady, calming me. "Go to sleep Ariella"

"Stay with me. Please"

"Always" his fingers began tracing my back. I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to consume me.

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