Fae Fate

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Me, Harriet and Chanel spent all of the next day in the greenhouse, experimenting with different potions of salt and other defensive plants. We figured out that salt mixed with different herbs would cause a destructive outcome. Everything I had learned before the Harvest holiday seemed to have seeped from my brain leaving me just as clueless as when I had arrived this time last year.

Meaning, the best we had achieved was some smoke and a foul, rotting smell.

I sighed and rubbed my temples, there was only so many failed attempts one could take in a day. "You guys carry on, I need to get some air"

I was grateful for the rain.

Gray appeared by my side. "I'm assuming by that foul smell you're fashioning, that you have been unsuccessful"

"You would be correct with that assumption" I sighed. "Do I really smell that bad?"

He chuckled "I'll get past it"

"The council want to raid the cave, they're getting impatient"

I groaned "I have tried everything, I've probably mixed half of the entire kingdom" I rubbed the salt powder between my finger- tips. The same tingle I felt from the powder at the cave erupted under my skin. I grabbed Gray's arm and pulled him back into the greenhouse.

"Harriet, give me one of those blue petals from Aurora's desk" She didn't question my sudden outburst.

"Remember those books your mother gave me, one of them had a recipe for some sort of dark potion that has salt mix with bluebell petals" Everyone gathered around my desk. I knew I wasn't making any sense, I just needed to see if this worked. I poured the salt water into a vial with a fresh bluebell petal. "Aurora's project includes salt and bluebells, why would she even think of putting them two together?" I asked.

Gray shrugged, they still didn't understand my point.

"We found lilac powder outside of the cave, didn't we?" I mixed them together with Aloe plant sap. Everyone nodded. I pricked my finger, a dropped my blood into the vial. "Now, if we heat these up, look what it makes"

I smiled proudly and held up the vial.

The lilac powder sat at the bottom of the glass. "She's working with Axel" Harriet whispered, as if we were being watched by her at that very moment.

Gray looked furious. "I think it's about time we found out what is in that cabin. Tomorrow night, while the winter ball is in full flow"

"So this winter festival happens every fifty years?" I asked as me Harriet and Chanel walked into the Academy grounds. The field was a buzz of energy from students gathering at food stalls. From a far it could pass as a normal fair, but as we walked deeper into the chaos, I noticed unicorn riding stalls, kissing booths and even a mermaid swim pond.

"Gray is very popular at that kissing booth" Harriet pointed to the long line of girls, all waiting for their chance to kiss the Gray Shield. We watched an excited second year lean over and kiss him on the lips.

"You should join the line" Chanel budged my shoulder and winked. I protested "It is not my place to make things public"

Harriet rolled her eyes "As far as everyone is concerned, you two are together, just kiss him"

The thought was appealing, they cheered as I let them drag me to the back of the line. All excitement wore off once I noticed the girls at the front of the queue. Aurora and her friends.

Gray sighed and leaned in to give her a peck, but she snaked her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. She swung her legs over the table and got on her knees, kissing him intensely. I couldn't believe what I was watching. Why wasn't he pulling away? It felt like every eye was watching me, waiting for me to react.

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