Just friends

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Stans date with Alicia went really well. They went to the movies and then went for a walk. "I really enjoyed myself" said Alicia. "Yeah I did too" said Stan. Alicia then kissed Stan." Bye Stan" she said. Stan stood in shock. Alicia Bennett just kissed him oh my god.

On Monday morning he told his friends that Alicia kissed him. "What!?!" Cried Richie. "I don't believe you" he said. "Well she did so" stated Stan.
Alicia walked past she smiled at Stan.
"Holy shit Stan the man is finally living up to his name" cried Richie.
Stan smirked. "Anyways shes having a party tonight at her house her parents are out town, and she asked if you guys wanna come" said Stan. "Hell yess" exclaimed Richie. The rest agreed.

                     At the party
Bill wasn't in the mood to drink that night so he offered to be the designated driver. About an hour in everyone was drunk except Stan. "C'mon Stanley just one drink" said Richie. "Fine just one" muttered Stan.
Except he didnt just have one he had a lot. Bill went to make sure everyone was ok. He couldn't find Eddie and Richie. They are probably just making out somewhere he thought. "Hey Bill" shouted Stan. Stan was super wasted. "H-hey Stan, a-are you o-okay" asked Bill. "Yeah im great, actually I have never been better" said Stan. "I have moved on, I love Alicia now" Stan said. "M-moved on f-from who" asked Bill. "Oh I can I tell you a secret Billy" asked Stan. "Yeah sure what is it??" Replied Bill. "I used to be in love with you, ha, it was nothin though, when I started goin out with Alicia I got over you, like imagine us going out that would be bullshit, cause you would never love me like that" said Stan laughing. "Yeah its stupid" said Bill. To be truthfull he was heartbroken. Stan could never know that. About an hour later. The only person left was Stan dancing on the dance floor. "S-stan i-its late you h-have t-to go home" said Billy. "Okay Billy" said Stan. Bill brought Stan home and put him into bed. Stan fell asleep straight away. "S-stan, I have to t-tell you t-this now I k-know your asleep so thats w-why im t-telling you now" said Bill. "I love you Stanley Uris and I know y-you will n-never l-love me back b-but I just needed t-to t-tell you that" said Bill. Bill then left. But what Bill didnt know was that Stan was awake and heard the whole thing. "I love you too Bill" whispered Stan when Bill left the room.

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