I love you

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"H-hey Stan can w-we talk??" Asked Bill. ''Oh I was just about to ask you that sure" said Stan. They went into an empty classroom. "O-ok so there is s-something I n-need to t-tell you, a-and I just r-realised that its w-way overdue" said Bill with a laugh. Bill took a deep breath and said the three simple words.I love you.
Stan was overcome with joy. "I know" said Stan. "I m-mean as more t-than friends" said Bill. "I know" replied Stan. "Wait how??" Asked Bill. "When you said it last night I was still awake" said Stan. "Oh s-shit sorry I h-have t-to  go" stuttered Bill. Bill made his way to the door. "No Bill wait" said Stan. "You haven't heard the full story" said Stan.
"After you left I said I love you too but you were gone" confessed Stan. "Wait re-" Bill started but was cut off. Stan kissed him. Bill didn't pull away he didn't want to. He felt the happiest he had ever felt, happier than when he kissed Beverly.
"Just so you know I never got in a fight with my parents I just loved you but you loved Bev and I knew you would never date me cause you gave her your flannel" said Stan. "I only gave it to her b-because I started l-liking y-you and I thought it was just a  crush so I tried making things s-serious with Bev s-so I could f-forget" said Bill. "Also I have been in love with you since the 7th grade" said Bill.
Bill and Stan left the classroom holding hands they didn't care who saw them. They saw peiple mutter things to eachother but thye didn't care cause they loved eachother with all of their hearts.

They then had to tell their parents.
Stan told his parents first.
"Mom, dad I'm bi and in love with Bill Denbrough and there is nothing you can do to change that" confessed Stan. His parents were so supportive. Bills parents gave him a huge hug. They said they would support him no matter what.
Bill had to explain to Georgie what bisexual was. It took him a while to understand but he understood eventually.

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