Excerpt 2

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In a similar setting of early 17th century

A big ship, all alone in the ocean, with no one in sight as far as the sight goes

Captain has been starring into the ocean for days now. We haven't seen anyone for months. There has been winds but, none strong enough to carry out ship. For now we have food and water, but it's not like we have an unlimited supplies. At this rate, before we are able to reach any nearby shore, we might run out of supplies even. We are in a desperate situation.

"For the grace of Posiden! How long do we have to endure all this. We are not on a discovery voyage, it was supposed to be a delivery ship on a known route used for generations. Why are we stuck in the sea like this? Tell me Julius! You promised it was okay to trust that kid for the captain"

"Calm down Arnold. I know you are upset. I am as well. But for now we can't just abandon the ship as well. We have recieved payment upfront, and there is no land anywhere. We have to stay on this ship, and we can only stay when we are together. And as far as the captain, we still need him. He is the only one who has idea of navigating."

All the while, when all the people in crew were fighting and consoling each other

"I know I have cheater everyone here. But I needed to do this voyage, for which I needed the crew. It was not the best crew, but they work well."

The captain of the ship said that in monologue, while looking at map on his table, along with a compass and a device of unknown origin. But one thing was certain. The captain uses that device for navigation of ship rather than compass.


Hope to find some great works.

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