7 - Guilt

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         Love it's just the worst and best feeling, that's why I hate it...

Third person POV

Quiet Los Angeles. The only sounds made were by Jimin, Alex and Scarlett.

The boy was laying down on a bed, asleep, tired, starving but too exhausted to eat.

On the other hand, Alex, looking at the ceiling in the dark almost crying. The drugs still made her body mostly numb. They didn't know how much their effect it's going to last.

And Scarlett. The young girl was preparing new bandages for Jimin. She felt really bad. Horrible.

Mostly scared, terrified.

"What if they want to kill me? What if they think I'm infected? What if they don't take me to Houston?" she asked herself.

Heading to Jimin's room, her heart was racing threatening to get out of her chest.

Mentally praying him not to be mad, she gently twisted the handle. He was there still sleeping, he slept ten hours until now.

Scarlett didn't dare to wake him up, she felt guilty for him being hurt, even if it wasn't her fault.

Letting the warm water next to the bed in the dark, she opened the bandage's packaging carefully not to be noisy.

She unfolded it and placed it next to his arm. Crouching next to him, barely touched his hand, her body tensed at the contact.

Sighing, Jimin opened his eyes, his vision being blurry. Scarlett was surprised for him to wake up, she tried standing up but-

He softly grabbed her arm looking at her with a genuine smile. A tent of pink covered her face, with wide eyes she looked at his hand.

It tickled, his touch.

He growled in pain and let her arm go, his wrists felt like they were about to brake any moment.

"I-I came here to change your bandage." her voice came out as if she was about to cry, but she was actually nervous.

He looked at her and nodded. "Why does your voice sounds so high? Are you about to-" she cutt him off."No."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she slowly took off his current bandage. Seeing that he closed his eyes tight, she stopped.

"Does it hurt that bad?" the words came out as a mumble and he shook his head. "I'm fine."

Continuing with what she came here for, Jimin remembered what happened yesterday and looked at her small hands unfolding his bandages.

It stinged, badly. When she took it off completely he looked at his wrist.

No skin, just bloody raw meat.

Immediately, he sifted his view to her. Scarlett took a tissue and with the biggest amount of care, she dipped it in warm water and tapped his injury.

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