11 - Stubbornness

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       I hope you're happy on the other side, one day I'll join you...

Third person POV

For the past two days Jimin has been completely quiet, distroyed by his own conscience. He couldn't even cry, his eyes didn't have tears left.

He felt numb, a pit of nothingness where his heart should be. He was devastated. He wished he could've done something.

Feeling like a parasite, no one to love, no one to talk to, to one who understands his condition. He never felt so alone in all his life.

Alex was always careful to not let him feel lonely. She was always there, beside him, talking with him, fighting with him.

She was there when no one was, she teached him how to survive, how to fight, how to love. He was never really good at that.

Jimin and Scarlett are still in San Diego. She's Scarlett to talk to him, scared that he might snap and start yelling at her.

She knew well enough that she's the one to blame for all this, that's why Alex hated her in her last days, because of her they got hurt, and now one of them is gone.

Wanting to scream, to dissappear, even though she didn't know these people too well, she didn't want to be the reason they get hurt.

She hated herself with all her soul, seeing that he stopped eating, sleeping, drinking water.

He was always lost in his thoughts. Having a mental fight with himself, or a mental conversation with her.

He shifted to one fantasy to another in which she was alive, with him. Talking to her and letting her know all his feelings.

Jimin is releaved that at least he told her his feelings. It was the most hurtful moment in his life. Not even loosing his parents was that hurtful.

The sky was silver grey, the wind blowing the dust in the air, the city couldn't be more quiet. Not a soul could be heard, not a fly.

Scarlett was preparing food in the small kitchen in the apartment they found unlocked. Her eyes had dark circles under them.

She knew Jimin wouldn't eat, but she tried to make an excuse to check on him. He didn't talk with her at all.

She gulped moving a strand of her ginger hair out of the way. Her hands were sweaty, breath unsteady and a knot in her throat.

Making it to the front of his door, she pressed one hand over it and she got closer gluing her ear to the door.

Silence, there was such a deep silence you'd think you got deaf. She was even scared to breath too loud.

Gathering some courage, she twisted the door knob, feeling how her feet want to run the other way. But she did the opposite.

Entering the dark room, she saw his silhouette not moving, looking at nothing. He's like a zombie himself now.

Scarlett POV

Him being in such a calm state freaked me out, it's like a sleeping volcano, ready to erupt every second. Waiting for me to not be ready for it.

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