Fortnum & Mason

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They waved as the shuttle left. Dishes in the sanitizer, Doug turned to Lili, “So, whaddaya wanna do?”

“Actually, if you don't mind, open presents. You okay with waiting a little bit?”

“Only a little bit.”

“Well, I feel a little like a bride all over again. And this time without morning sickness.”

“That is definitely an improvement,” Doug said, “I'll hand over, you tear wrapping,” he handed her the biggest box.

“Hmm, this is from Engineering,” Lili ripped, “Ah, it’s a set of knives. These are good, titanium blades.”

“I better be nice to you, then.”

“Nothing to worry about,” she smiled. She took a little necklace out from where it had been tucked into her blouse and looked at the charm on it, “Pity I can't wear my ring these days.”

“Well, it's not fitting. Don't want to cut off your circulation.”

“You always keep yours on,” she said.

“Yes, I never want to take it off.”

“Yeah, but you even wear it during diaper changes,” she said.

“I wash my hands well,” he assured her, “Okay, this is from Navigation,” he said, handing the box over.

“Hmm, it’s candlesticks. Not exactly our style, but okay,” Lili said.

“Well, they probably had to guess. Here's an envelope.”

“Ah, hmm. This is from Security. Your side of the family,” she said, “A gift card, see?”

“Oh, it's that place in San Francisco. Wow, that's really generous,” Doug commented, “This one's from Archer.”

“A linen tablecloth,” Lili said, “This is really nice. We won't put it down if we, er, use the table for, ahem, unconventional purposes,” she smiled at Doug wickedly.

“Ah yes, I remember those.”

“Back before I weighed about a thousand kilos.”

Kick Kick Kick.

“What's that one?” asked Lili, “No, the smaller one.”

“It's from Communications. Here.”

“Hmm. It's a book. Jane Eyre,” Lili read off the spine, and then cracked it open, “Have you read it?”

“Nope. I'm not so sure it exists on the other side of the pond.”

“Ah, yes, that distorted mirror you called a universe for so long,” she said.

“It was bad and it was nasty but it was how we met,” he leaned over and kissed her.

“There's an inscription. It says, 'One good love story deserves another. – Hoshi and Chandler.' Who's Chandler?”


“That's Chip Masterson's real name? Holy cow.”

“Is that a bookmark?” asked Doug.

“Yeah, but it's also one of those things where you can scan it with a PADD and it passes data. Here, hand me yours, please.”


“Lots of other books, mostly about movies. I guess those were heh, Chandler's contribution. 'Film Criticisms throughout the Years',” she read, “Critiques from Rex Reed, Pauline Kael, Roger Ebert, etc., she clicked around randomly and then laughed.

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