Quém Quém

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It wasn't a perfect moment.

A perfect moment would have had, for one thing, a more comfortable bed. But it was a good moment - one of Malcolm's better ones. He lay back, after they'd broken apart, and held her and kissed her shoulder and thought that, well, this wasn't so bad after all. Life could be far, far worse. He spoke, "I, may I ask? The baby's been awfully quiet. I don't wish to hurt him. Is everything all right?"

"Yes, definitely. And, I don't think you can hurt him," she said, stretching a little. She smiled at him, "I can feel him moving. He's just not kicking so much. He seems to have calmed down a little. Here, give me your hand," he complied, "Put it right here," he placed it on her navel, "Now, press in very, very slightly. Too hard, and you'll induce kicking. Just ... feel."

He did as requested, and then felt it, moving, a bit of a small wave, a little rolling underneath her skin, "How extraordin'ry," he smiled fully, feeling warm and a little reddened in the face, "How completely incredible that is. A lot nicer than the kicking, I imagine. You get assaulted an awful lot, Lili."

"Well, he's calmer now. And I think you have a little to do with that," she put her hand on his, feeling how warm he was against her belly.


"Yes. I think he likes you."

"Well, I like him."

She turned her face back to him and kissed him.

"Your bracelet - is it a very special gift? You never seem to take it off."

"That's mainly because I don't want to lose it. It was given to me by Yimar's mother. She's, uh, the mother, she's not in very good physical shape, and doesn't speak much. But she took this off her own wrist and gave it to me about a year ago. We had gone there to tell her I was pregnant with Joss."

"What's the metal? Is it tin?"

"Some sort of alloy the Calafans make. It has amplifying properties but I've never used it for that."

"Huh. How very interesting. Are you comfortable?"

"Very," she said, yawning a little, "But I'm also really tired. Would you mind very much if I went to sleep now?"

"Of course not. I shan't wake you."

"Not even by tapping on the side of my belly?"

"Oh, you felt that?"

"Both mornings," she said.

"Well, then I suppose I have no surprises to offer you."

"I'm sure you have plenty," she said, looking at him meaningfully. She kissed him, but yawned again.

"I hope that my surprises are to your liking. But right now I think you both need to rest. G' night."


Lili was dreaming.

She first saw the holding area and then, suddenly, she was on the Enterprise again.

The corridors were mostly empty. It was, after all, the middle of the night.

She saw T'Pol in the Captain's Ready Room, poring over reports and looking - despite her cool Vulcan demeanor - a bit worried.

She then went onto the Bridge and took a look at the night shift crew. Aidan MacKenzie was at Malcolm's station. She smiled a little, thinking of him.

She moved on.

She went to B deck, to where they had been staying. She saw Yimar and Brian outside the room, in the hallway. They didn't seem to be able to see or hear her. No one else had.

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