The Duck

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“My knees hurt.”

“Well, you should sit down more.”

“I told you, I can't whisk when I'm standing.”

“Okay, but you're not whisking right now, right?”


“So, get back into bed and I'll rub your knees.”

“Oh, c'mon, not that old ploy. I know what that's gonna turn into.”

“And you object? C'mere,” he patted her side of the bed.

“Okay. But, really. We gotta be up soon.”

“There's, um,” he leaned over to check, “almost a half an hour until the alarm goes off,” he kissed her.

“'Ommy!” came a high-pitched call from the other room.

“That would be me,” she said.

“Hurry back,” he said.

It was a few minutes before she returned.

“Is Jeremiah okay?” he asked.

“Yes, just a diaper change. And, my God! Jeremiah. How the hell did you convince me it was all right to name him that! It's not only Biblical, it's severely Biblical. Call him Joss, it's easier on everyone.”

“It was my father's name,” he said.

“Yes, I know. Jeremiah Logan Beckett. Named for Jeremiah and Lena Hayes, your parents,” she leaned over and kissed him, “At least this one will be named for mine. Peter Matthew, for Peter and Marie Helêne O'Day.”

Kick Kick Kick.

“Ow!” she complained.

“Petey's very active,” he said, and then kissed her huge belly, “Come back, we'll continue where we left off.”

“Who knew pregnancy would be such a turn-on for you?” she said, getting back in and trying to get comfortable, but her massive bulk made that difficult.

“It is ... you need to understand, Lili,” he said, kissing her neck, which made her moan a little, “I know how it all happened. How that baby got there. How you and me put him there. Very, very sexy.”

“You! So we'll, uh, do math again?”

“That's all right,” he conceded, “But I miss the intimacy of regular activities.”

“You know Dr. Miva said we can't do that.”

“I know. I also know what you and I did last time.”

“Yeah, and it was really frustrating, Doug.”

“Well, I will be careful. Really, really careful. Everything will be all right,” he went back to kissing her neck and put his hand on her abdomen.

“I don't want to hurt Petey,” she said, patting her belly. As if in response, she got another sharp kick.

“I felt that one, too,” Doug said, “Now listen here,” he said, pointing his finger into her midsection, “You are not being very kind to your hostess, Young Man. You need to lay off the kicking every once in a while, Pete.”

Kick Kick.

“Fat lot o' good that did,” she said, then kissed him.

“'Ommy!” came their son's voice from the other room.

She sighed.

“Why doesn't he ever call for me?” Doug asked.

“Because you're not the Mommy. It's all very Oedipal,” Lili got up again, “I'm coming, Joss,” she called out.

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