One Chance

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Hoshi walked next to Quellata as they made their way to exercise. She spoke, "Is it forbidden for me to ask you questions?"

"I am under a nondisclosure agreement with my clients," Quellata replied, "But it doesn't cover every single imaginable topic. Ask. I might even answer."

"All right. Uh, where are you from?"

"Oh. That I will answer. My planet is in what you refer to as the Delta Quadrant. It's called Dawitan."

"Oh, thank you. Uh, what's the ultimate purpose of all of this? Why do you want so many babies of different species?" Hoshi asked.

"That is definitely under the nondisclosure," Quellata said, "Ah, here we are. You know what to do, slime molds," she departed.

Lili was pushed in front of the tall Andorian. Jennifer was behind Dayah. They began to walk around.

Lili said, "You're Leveqa, aren't you?"


"I was told not to talk to you."

Kick Kick.

"That's probably wise," said the Andorian.


"When someone is being shunned, you don't inquire such things of them."


"You have marks like a Calafan," Leveqa pointed out.

"Yes, I have tattoos," Lili said.

"Keep quiet!" yelled a guard.


Malcolm walked in front of Emmiz, "Do you know how to handle a medical emergency?"

"Emergency?" asked the young Xindi.

"Yes. What if there's a problem while in the cell? Can our captors be reached?"

"Yes. You can pound on the wall near where it opens on the left. I had to do that when Rellie gave birth. She was my first and I didn't know what to do. Now I'm experienced," he said a bit proudly.

"Oh. Interesting. Thank you."

"Which one is yours?" asked Emmiz.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Your partner. See mine? She's in front of the orange-haired human. See?"

"Oh. She's rather, uh, there's a significant age difference."

"It doesn't matter. She's my fourth. My best! It's funny. We came here; we were grabbed from the Betar Colony. I was a student of course. She was a government functionary of some sort. We never would have met. And even if we had, she's old enough; I could have been her grandson. Funny how things turn out."

"Funny, that."

"So, which one is yours?" Emmiz asked again.

"Oh. The one with the very, very light hair."

"Ah. She's very fat."

"She's expecting a child!"

"Ah. You must work very fast, then."

"It's not, it's not my child. She was pregnant before we got here," Malcolm said.

"Do you like her?"

"I, I'd rather not say," he said, keeping in mind that Doug wasn't too far behind him. But he smiled to himself. The morning had been excellent. Every moment seemed to be an improvement over the last.

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