I realized something. Its a sad, harsh truth, but it must be said.Look. If you want to feel happy, relieved, unburdened, comforted, loved, nurtured, admired, supported, respected and wanted...
Then you'd better find that in you, your life and what you do. I mean it. Introverts, I'm (mainly) talking to you.
I'm not even trying to be negative. Just look at it realistically for a moment. Let's face it:
Putting your faith and trust in someone other than yourself is a big risk. But you? You know you, right? So then, you shouldn't have much to worry about. Make yourself busy. Indulge in creative and productive things, whatever calms you. Look in the mirror and say, "you're awesome!" or "I messed up, but that's okay." Because we all make mistakes. But if you're willing to correct them and improve, then that's something to be proud of. Be honest with yourself. Be honest with others. Think of something different that you like about yourself and embrace it. Because if you won't love you, who will?
Solitude is a precious thing. Some people are unlucky enough to get none, if any of it. Its a time and state that should be valued, not taken for granted. It'd be a real shame if you didn't know what to do with it. That aside, it grants you the space to think and reflect, to evaluate and consider. Solitude may very well be how our imagination comes to life. With no outside hindrances and distractions, you're open to envision whatever you want without being interrupted.
What's so wrong with keeping your head in the clouds anyway? There's a reason its up there.
Your mind can't contain the beauty of the sky. From above, you can see everything below. Solitude alone can eliminate the questions you have for the people around you. Give it a chance. If you're alone, you allow yourself to brainstorm methods of self-improvement instead of being anxious over what you think you should say or do to alleviate your emotional discomfort or respond to a situation amongst others. You can focus on you.
Now, I don't say any of this to discourage you. There are some people out there with good intentions, kindness and compassion. But you shouldn't fully count on it if you want to survive emotionally.
Soothe yourself. Compliment yourself. Accept yourself. Believe in yourself. You have to try. After all, you were born by yourself and that's exactly how you'll pass away. We are held accountable for our own actions and feelings. No one can take your pain, neither can you take their pain. Or any other emotion, for that, vice-versa.
The foundation of the ability to cope and emotionally mature is your childhood. If your parents were there for you and supported you when they were supposed to, that would make life easier. But if not, you're completely on your own with figuring out how. That's fine too.
Be your own companion. If you can be a friend to yourself, someone else can.
All this is good and well, but don't become self-centered and closed off from the world. Obviously, allow yourself to be able to develop healthy relationships with others, otherwise you'd be having an unhealthy relationship with you. In other words, self-obsessed and self-absorbed. There's a whole world of people, potential family and friends. Its not all about you.
Self-esteem, confidence and forgiveness of self are important aspects that build this whole thing up.
Without arrogance, you can live without necessarily feeling like you need anyone or need to feel needed. Consider it being self-sufficient. Let that be what you are.
A/N |
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