Episode 3: The Good, The Bad, and The Pregnant (continued..part two)

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[Problem Walks Scene]

Walking side by side on the thin sidewalk, Natsuko and Ramón talked over some things.

The bandana that was once previously secured around Ramón's head was now dangling from between his closed hand. His once gelled hair hung like a mop around the crown of his head.

His skateboard, which was painted to match the colors of Kurama and held stickers that consisted of power moves from the anime, was in his right hand away from Natsuko's body.

Natsuko rubbed her belly, nodding to what Ramón had to say. The blue flowy shirt she wore moved along with her movements slightly coming up to show a peek at her bump. There weren't any bruises or signs of physical trauma, so she'd say all was forgiven with Acacia.

[Ethnicity Check: Natsuko Meyers - German]

Running his hand through his dark red velvet burgundy hair, Ramón laughed. "Can't believe he turned out like that. That was really bad for you."

It pained Ramón to see anyone get hurt in all honesty; but, it happening to someone who was obviously disabled and couldn't fight at their best hit him differently.

Natsuko could feel her back aching from being up and about too much during the day. She had to hurry and arrive home already, she'd been out way too long.

"Hopefully the form came." thought Natsuko as she watched as her shared house came into view.

As they approached the house Ramón noticed the door of the home open. Natsuko didn't seem to worry so he figured she knew whoever was opening it.

A tall darkskin boy emerged from behind the front door of the house. He had a fresh fade haircut style going on with his black hair. His hair was managed well, which could be seen by him brushing over it with the brush in his hand.

"Baby!" said the boy with a hint of swagger in his voice. His words came out like silk and left a warm feeling in your body. A smile was on his face now revealing his pearly white teeth that were behind his clear retainer.

Natsuko smiled back, eyeing him with nothing but pure love. Her arms spread out into the air waiting to be embraced by her boyfriend of two years.

His right arm hugged her around her neck, avoiding her bump purposely. When they parted his golden eyes moved to Ramón, who stood awkwardly behind the couple.

Natsuko turned around towards Ramón letting out a small "oh, " in the realization of her forgetfulness.

Using her hand, she motioned at them as she introduced them to each other. "Omari, Ramón. Ramón, Omari."

Omari Penda. The man (since he is aged 18) who stole Natsuko's heart her freshman year and a year later put another one inside of her. The father of her unborn child. Omari Penda was the man.

Omari gave Ramón a once over before looking back at his girlfriend. He wasn't really fond of company, especially the unexpected kind. Also, the fact that another male was with his pregnant girlfriend didn't really sit right with him.

But he wasn't the kind to let small things with no real problem stay on his mind for too long. So with a smile, he went over to shake Ramón's hand.

"Ramón, nice to meet you. I guess your apart of that new club that Natsuko's in." lightly started Omari, as he just tried to make conversation.

Omari was the head captain of the Key Club and the organizer for all the school clubs. So when the unexpected Flawless Club popped up on his roster yesterday, he was curious. Only to later find out by Natsuko that she had joined the club under a letter recommendation. He took an immediate liking in the club after learning this even though he knew nothing about the so-called Flawless Club.

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