xvi - impromptu

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The rest of the week went by smoothly with Trip . We got the gym up and running by the end of the day and I was able to schedule a personal trainer to whip him into shape . That personal trainer being my trainer, I'll miss him for the time being but Trip needs this more than me . Although, he did offer to lend me his gym if I was missing having sessions with Tony.

Trip and I were in constant contact as I told him he can text or call me if he needed anything . Something I failed to realize was that by taking him away from the city , I took him away from everybody . Including his friends. But it's better off that way because those 'friends' were just moochers. So I offered to be his friend.

He really isn't a bad guy at all , he truly was someone that had been lonely and definitely been ignored by his own family. Yet he tries to be around them . Trip is pretty hilarious too , we found ourselves either talking or texting into the evening and even falling asleep one of the nights .

I think he has a real chance of cleaning up his act, we just need to keep working at it . As for the rest of the family, I will tell them what they need to do once the weekly report from the therapist comes in . It won't tell me what they discussed but some suggestions for the his recovery .

And by recovery , I mean recovery from life . From what he's done and been through. My heart really did feel for him.

On thursday , Alex asked me if I were free this weekend . That he really did want to make up for what happened last week . I contemplated if this was a good idea . I'm not sure if getting deeper into this was going to backfire but we did agree in the beginning that we wouldn't fall in love with each other.

"So.... did you say yes ?" Sonja asked me .

"I probably will . I mean he really wanted to take me somewhere this weekend," I say to her.

"And you want to go... don't deny it. You can keep telling me that you're not ready for a relationship but you never said anything about a little fun. Besides a little romance never really hurt anyone," she says.

But how wrong that sentiment is . Of course romance can hurt because when the game is over , it's over and someone ALWAYS gets hurt.  Usually , that someone is me . This is why I'm going to stay guarded when I see Alex this weekend .

"Fine, but nothing is going to happen. Just two friends getting to know each other better . We still have the wedding coming up and his position at the company . After that we'll come up with an excuse and make a clean break," I say to her what I normally repeat to myself .

"Whatever you say. Hey, when you're done with Alex, do you mind if I take a crack at him?" She says with a devious grin.

For some reason that question didn't sit right with me . It shouldn't bother me but it did so I told her , "you don't want sloppy seconds."

Before I can even take back the words , Sonja started laughing like she caught me in a compromising position , "I knew it! You were planning on having some side action, weren't you?"

I walk away from her because she'll tease me more if I try to talk my way out of it . She follows me but I close the door on her to which she begins to bang on my door, "you know I'm right . It's okay to admit it babe. He's a hot one and a totally upgrade from the last guy you were with."

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