xxi - warren

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This might look bad . Having my brother's girlfriend come over tonight . But she looked so hurt this morning.  All I wanted to do was comfort her , nothing more.  I'm still in disbelief that Alex would take off the way he did.

The whole drive back I tried to keep things lighthearted with Aria , I could see how disappointed she looked when Alex walked out this morning. Not wanting to dwell on his buffoonery I extended an invitation to Aria to come over .

I had gotten my apartment well after the Penny situation and I haven't had anyone in my place other than some family members . She would be the first woman to come visit so I wanted to make sure it was presentable.  Of course it's clean but I want it to be comfortable for her.

It was getting closer to 5 when I heard a knock on my door . That couldn't possibly be Aria, she's too early , although I wouldn't mind if she decided to come at this time . When I opened the door I was faced with an angry Alex.

"Why did you ask Aria to come over tonight?" He confronted .

His eyes were wild with accusation but he had no right , "Good to see you too little bro, why don't you come inside?" I say sarcastically.

He stomped in like a bull ready to attack, "you had no right asking MY girlfriend on a date."

I scoffed , "I didn't,  I just invited her over . Besides how did you even know about this?" Before I could think if whether or not Aria said something to cause a stir he answered me.

"I overheard you when I called her earlier . What are you getting at? Is this payback for Penny? I apologized already for what I did," he exclaims.

Shaking my head , "this has nothing to do with her . I told you to not hurt Aria and you did exactly that to her this morning.  You didn't hear her when you took off running . You didn't see the anguish in her face as the realization that she was only runner up to your dear Penny."

"And you decided to swoop in ?" He accused .

I couldn't hold back the irritation,  "I'm not you," I shot at him .

"What's that suppose to mean?" He asks me as if he couldn't believe I would use that against him.

"I'm not going after Aria , if that's what you're thinking . She's STILL your girlfriend. I'm here being her friend . Unlike you , I don't have ulterior motives," I snap at him.

"Oh? From what Penny has told me, you found Aria years ago . Why were you looking for her?"

I couldn't believe that Penny knew about this . How much was she snooping? I wasn't going to cower, "why would that matter to you? She was my bestfriend when we were kids . I was always worried about her . Yes, I found her but I didn't know how she would react if I reached out . So I checked up on her from time to time."

As if a lightbulb went off in his head , "Did you suggest her company to take on Trip? So that you can meet her again?"

I laughed, "no, father found that company through recommendations. Her being the publicist was coincidental. I would never put her in that compromising position, after that incident with Trip."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "she'll be here soon . I don't want her thinking that I'm ambushing her when she wants space from you."

Then he yells,  "I'm going to fight for her and make sure that you don't ruin another relationship."

The gall of Alex, "You need to leave . I told you what happened with Penny , Aria and I are friends and I intend to make sure she knows that coming here is a safe place . A reprieve from what she experienced with you this morning."

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