xxvii - the one

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Things in my life felt like a dream . I spent that final year focusing on finishing school all the while growing closer to Aria . Everytime she was near me she made my heart beat so fast that one would think I was having a heart attack.

I fell so deeply in love with her but I knew we both needed to finish this last semester strong . Graduation was only around the corner and I wanted us to keep that focus .

She went across first but she stood at the bottom waiting for me . I knew, that this was the moment I confess my feelings for her . I had it all planned out in my head . But of course when I reached the bottom of the steps , I fumbled onto her and we fell on the ground .

"You're so clumsy," she laughed as we pushed ourselves up.

"I'm sorry Ar, this is not how I envisioned this," I say.

"Envisioned what?"

"You know, I'm not a smooth talker . But I am a romantic at heart . I'm no casanova but I'll work hard to make you smile , Aria Lawson, will you be my girlfriend? Help me become a better man ?"

She blushed . Oh my God was it the cutest thing I had ever seen , "Took you long enough!" She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I didn't want to waste another moment and I dipped her low and gave her a kiss . When I say I felt explosions , I mean it . It was like seeing fireworks burst all around us . When I lifted her back upright she was trying to catch her breath .

"Dylan Preacher , you're smoother than you think . Stealing away my first kiss ," she says with a giant smile that lit up her whole face.

"You're lying, you've never been kissed before?" I couldn't believe it.

"Your brother became my brother . Between him and my sister , they scared away all the guys . It's okay, I wanted my first kiss to be special anyway and I'm glad I shared it with you," Aria, tenderhearted and pure . I want to do everything I can to protect her.


I stumbled away from Aria's apartment.  Wondering how I could let 'The One' get away . She didn't just go away, I made her run away, and for what? Because I thought I was protecting her . All I did was hurt her, because of a bitter anger that someone else had for Aria's mother .

She should have been the focus of Brittany's wrath , not Aria. And now that she got what she wanted she skipped town . She ruined me and Aria thoroughly . Brittany, that vile woman , forced my hand and I had no one else to blame but myself . I should have told Aria a long time ago .

Now, my first and only love is being held by another man . A different man than the one she claimed was a her boyfriend . Who was he? It doesn't even matter, she asked me to leave . I should have fought harder . I should have done a lot of things and now here I am .

Trudging towards the bathroom I splash some water on my face . I'm so stupid . I shouldn't have gone over there in this state . Next week is another chance . Now that Brittany is out of the picture , maybe I can focus better on trying to at least get Aria to forgive me.  I know that getting her back is not an option, but I need her in my life no matter what role she takes .

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