xxxviii - embrace

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We were finally , officially a couple . And this wasn't some elaborate scheme to save face . This was real. Warren and I, we're real and I couldn't be any more content than I am right now . I had gone home with him after the wedding .

When we got to his place he surprised me by unpacking a rather large bag of food from the wedding and I laughed . Here you have a soon to be CEO and billionaire and he packs up leftovers. "I didn't expect this from you," I chuckled .

"I'm full of surprises. Besides, I hate for food to be wasted like that. These were the plates for people who didn't show up . I asked Delilah if I can take a couple . So she told her wedding planner to have them packed. Then she told her to give me this," he takes out this take out box and opens it. Inside was the center tier of her cake . My favorite flavor, red velvet. "Someone told me that you picked this one."

I nod at him, I didn't think Delilah would devote a whole tier to my favorite cake but she did. I was so touched at the gesture, she truly is the best sister . "Let's dig in!" I say enthusiastically.

"You really do love cake , don't you?" He asks as he produces two forks for us .

"You have no clue, I can eat this all day and I'll be fine. My stomach might be extended a little but my soul would be soaring in the clouds," I say as he bites back a laugh.

As we began to devour this very large piece of the cake he says something to me that caught me off guard, "Aria, I know you planned on confronting your mother after this wedding . But , can I ask you to hold off?"

Curious, "It needs to be done . Why should I?"

"There's a very high chance that Brittany was lying about it . I promise to tell you everything but I discovered something about her recently and I have my people working on it," he says to me .

"Ok, I trust you."

We spent most of the time cuddled up on the couch watching some sappy movie . He stroked my hair and caressed me with soft kisses on my forehead. This was pure bliss , a feeling that had always escaped me even though I was always right at the tip of it . As the movie ended I sat up and he followed my motion .

Facing each other I grabbed his face and stared into his steely grey eyes . He looked back at me and gave me the same gaze of affection and before I knew it , the world slowed down as our lips collided. We held each other closely and we expressed our love through our physical touches . One by one each layer of clothing fell off our bodies as we bared our souls to each other . We submitted our vulnerable selves to the love we were making over and over again.

That night we made love , not once , not twice but three times until we fell asleep in passionate exhaustion. I don't know how many times we declared our love for one another but we just couldn't seem to stop .

The next morning I woke up tucked in his arms . I sighed in contentment as I realized that everything that happened last night was real . Sometimes I pinch myself to see if I had dreamt all this up . "You look beautiful when you sleep," he says with his eyes closed.

"You watched me sleep? Creeper!" I teased .

"Oh yeah? What are you doing right now?" He says with a smirk.

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