8 • Figuring it Out

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In the dorms, Kirishima found half of his class' couples. The ones who weren't easily fooled. There was Deku, and Tsu, Tokoyami, Bakugo now, and Kirishima now. Everyone who was single was just chilling around. It was strange though, because Momo and Jirou were the only couple who wasn't affected.

"Why are those two still together?" Kiri asked in a very confused manner.

"They are both smart. Not easily fooled." Deku responded.

To Kirishima's surprise, Bakugo didn't retort. Calling him names.

"It caught me off guard too." Bakugo said softly, sitting down on the couch.

"Gotcha.." Kirishima added.

"Students!" Aizawa yelled as he ran into the main room. "Mic is mis-" He stopped dead in his tracks, confused. "Where is everyone else?"

"If it's what I think it is, then he'd be with the others." Tsu said. "And the others would be with him."

"Who is this 'him'?" Aizawa asked.

"That's what we'd like to know." Bakugo snarled, arms crossed.

"All we know, is that this mysterious person is only targeting couples. More so, the more easily influenced partners." Midoriya stated. "But what does he have planned for them? Whats his quirk? Where do we go from here?"

"I don't know.." Jirou said defeated.

"Why don't we just call their phones?" Tsu said calmly. "They may be acting weird, but they are still the same people. We all know that Kaminari and Mina always have their phones."

Everyone grew silent.

"Oh yeah.." Momo said softly, breaking the quiet that fell between everyone.

"I'll try ringing Mina, okay?" Tsu said calmly, pulling out her phone.

(Phone rings)

"Hey, Tsu! Wassup?" Mina said excitedly.

"Not a lot actually, was wondering if you wanted to go shopping this afternoon? The stores all have sales on." Tsu lied, but said very convincingly.

"I would love to, but right now I'm on a date with someone I met at a restaurant. He is so kind! He took me here and everyone else from class is also here and they also have dates and it's so cool!"

"Where is here? Was planning on taking Kirishima there for a date." Tsu lied again.

"You two are so cute together!" The class heard that one, and look anxious. "We are on a mountain at a Café. It has a veranda that rests just on the edge!"

"I'll see you soon then. Bye." Tsu finished, as Mina hangs up the phone.

"Thank heavens Mina isn't the brightest." Bakugo said laughing. "She just gave the information up."

"Yeah, but if these people are taking them, they'd know that their partners or friends would try and contact them. It may be a trap." Deku quickly jumped in. "We need to be careful."

"I'm with Midoriya on this." Momo said with a straight, confident looking face.

"Lets get going please." Aizawa said in his usual tone.

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