9 • Prove It

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The students, accompanied by their teacher, made their way quickly to the mountaintop Café. All of them were worried. All were eager to save their partners.

"How far is this damn Café anyway?" Bakugo asked in a demanding tone.

"Thankfully, due to the local area, it's only a couple minutes up the mountain. If we were to drive, it would be a little longer considering the windy road." Deku responded quickly.

"Lets just get there quickly," Kirishima said shakily. "I've got a bad feeling."


They all arrived at the Café, panting, sweating. It was a little longer than Deku had said, but nonetheless, they were all there. Everyone.

"There they are." Bakugo said grumpily.

"Indeed." Aizawa replied.

"Welcome, everyone. Glad you could all join us!" A males voice sounded from the crowd. "We're all dying to see you!"

"Let my students go." Aizawa grumbled angrily. "And let my partner go."

"They can leave right now if the conditions are met." He replied.

"What conditions?"

"If they genuinely love their respective partner, they will be able to snap out of their little delusions, and can leave."

"But they are only children." Aizawa said defensively.

"I too, was only young when I fell in love. She ended up hurting me in the end, so now I test those who are young and in love." The mysterious man said calmly. "If they fail, they will die. Just like her. You have 5 minutes."

With the students, there were a few different people. Aizawa couldn't seem to stop their quirk usage, but he knew they all had different quirks.

"Alright students. Rescue time." Aizawa said calmly, making his way to Mic.

Everyone made their way to their partners, one by one, the daydream they all shared faded.

Todoroki to Deku.
Denki to Bakugo.
Ochaco to Tsu.
Everyone found their partner.

Everyone but Mina. And Kirishima couldn't quite figure out why.

"Mina?" He asked quietly. "I thought.. We had something?"

"Time is up. Looks like pinky here doesn't love you. Sorry, kid." The man said, guiding her to the edge of the mountain. "Pinky, jump."

Mina smiled a dazed smile, and leapt. The man merely stepped aside to his colleagues, and they began chatting. Without a second thought, Kirishima ran to the edge, and jumped.

"Mr Aizawa?" Deku asked.

"Hmm?" He replied.

"This Café doesn't exist.. and neither does the mountain we are on."

"You think it's the quirks of the people there?" He whispered.

"Maybe. But if that's the case, then how big did they make this mountain?"

Everyone overheard, and everyone went to take a look. It was very big. A fall from this height would definitely kill someone, and Kirishima and Mina are both falling.

"Mina? Mina! Snap out of it!" Kirishima shouted. "Wake up!"

Mina shook her head, and saw Kirshima in front of her.

"Kiri?! What are you doing! Why'd you jump after me?!" She began to cry.

He grabbed Mina, and held her to his chest, hardening his back so he would be heavier.

"I'm so sorry, Kiri." Mina cried.

"I love you, Mina. I've got you." He smiled, before they hit the ground.

I've Got You - KiriMina ✔Where stories live. Discover now