He Tells You He Likes You (Ethan)

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(y/n)- your name(y/b)- your bestie

You, (y/b), Grayson and Ethan had been best friends since the beginning of high school. You four had so much fun together. 

It was the summer between sophomore and junior year and you had a boyfriend, Joey. You guys were dating for about 5 months and you met in biology class after he got moved next to you for some incident. You guys really clicked and started dating. Unfortunately, there was someone else who wanted you. Ethan. You knew that because he constantly told you how much he liked you and how he wanted to be with you. You always brushed it off cause you were already dating Joey. (y/b) and Grayson were dating as well.

It was 3 days before your Sweet 16 and your best friend, (y/b), had been planning an amazing party for you. You invited Joey, Ethan, Grayson and all of your other friends. 

It was now 5 hours before the party. (y/b) asked Ethan and Grayson to come over to help get the cake and blow up balloons and just help decorate. You went with your mom and sisters to get your hair and nails done. This was your Sweet 16 and you wanted it to be perfect. 

Your POV

I just got done with my hair and nails so I decided to call (y/b) to see how everything was going.

End Your POV

You: Hey, how’s everything going?

(y/b): Everything’s good! Grayson just got the cake and we’re almost done decorating. Hey, uh do you know if Joey’s coming yet? 

You: I don’t know he’s not answering my calls.

(y/b): Don’t worry I’m sure he’s getting ready.

You: Yeah, I guess.

(y/b): Stop worrying, this is your night, this is your party

You: Yeah thanks.

     (y/n); No problem. Uhhhh I gotta go Ethan and Grayson are sucking the helium out of all the balloons.

You: Haha ok 

(y/b): See you in a couple hours.

You decided to call Joey again. The phone rang about 15 times before he answered.

Joey: What up?

You: Just making sure you’re coming tonight.

Joey: What’s happening tonight?

You: Don’t tell me you forgot!

Joey: Nahh I’m just messing with you alright I gotta go.

He hung up before you were able to say goodbye. This wasn’t the first time something like this happened. There was this one time you went to the mall with (y/b) and he promised to pick you guys up, but he never showed so you had to call Ethan to pick you up. You spent 5 months dating Joey while spending 5 months listening to Ethan tell you how wrong Joey was for you. You had to forget about all that stuff since it was your birthday. 

Before the party, your family took you out for a birthday dinner. While that was happening, (y/b) was getting ready for what she called, the party of the year. She was cool that way. 

(y/b) POV

Alright, 1 hour before the party starts and 1 hour before (y/n) comes home. I had to kick Ethan and Grayson off of the decorating committee 3 times, so yeah, job well done. People start coming over and I see everyone but Joey. I decide to give him a call.

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