He Tells You He Likes You (Grayson)

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Its a little long, but it will be worth your while.

(y/n)- your name         (y/b)- your bestie

You and Grayson have been friends since the beginning of your sophomore year while he was a junior. Ever since you met, you guys had a really strong and close friendship, but unfortunately, both you guys were already dating other people. 

        It was during fall break when Ethan and Grayson had asked you to join them on the Press Play tour. You were really excited so you went home to ask your parents and they said okay since they knew you, Ethan and Grayson were really good friends. You walked over to Ethan and Grayson’s house, since you guys were neighbors, to tell them you could go. They were so excited and you were happy when you found out Grayson’s girlfriend wasn’t going. You had a boyfriend, but Grayson’s girlfriend (Brittany) was your enemy so you were happy with this news. The time has come for you guys to leave to Miami. There were three days before the first show, so the three of you decide to chill by the pool and the beach. The night before the show you walked out your hotel room just to find Grayson and his girlfriend hugging. Anger filled your entire body. She turned around giving you a sly smile saying she was going to make your week miserable. You were there for the twins, so you tried not to let it bother you.

The first show was a success and it was time for you guys to pack up and head to the next city, but Brittany wanted you out. 

A couple hours pass and Ethan comes to your room to ask if you want to hang out with him, Grayson and Brittany so you say sure. As you walk out your hotel room, you see Brittany in Grayson’s arms crying. Ethan asks whats wrong and you find out that Brittany had told Grayson you had made fun of her and called her horrible and vicious names. She knew this would ruin you and your trip. She was right. Soon after, Grayson tells Ethan and Brittany to leave so he could talk to you. You knew something bad was going to happen. 

        Grayson: Why the hell would you do that?!?!?!?

        You: She’s lying!!! Why would you believe her? I’m your best friend!

        Grayson: Well maybe you should’ve thought of that before you called her all those things.

        You: Grayson, I didn’t. She just-

        Grayson: You know what just leave.

        You: You’re not serious?

        Grayson: Yeah! I am!

That hit you like a truck.

        You: Fine!!!

You stormed off back to your room and got your stuff and started packing. You booked the next flight and you felt tears welling up. You heard a knock at the door and quickly wiped your eyes. It was Ethan. He walked in and saw that you were packing and asked.

        Ethan: Wha-what’s going on?

        You: Oh you know just packing.

        Ethan: Uhh yeah I see that, but why?

   You: Well Grayson’s girlfriend is a bitch who thinks its fun to make lies about me and                                                                         Grayson’s a jerk who wants me to leave. Also I have homework. Gotta get that GPA to a 4.0.

Ethan softly laughed at your comment.

        Ethan: Do you want me to talk to him?

        You: Nah its fine I don’t want to ruin your tour.

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