He Hurts You (Grayson)

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“Hey, hey, hey, hey”, Grayson said poking your cheek as you guys were hanging out on the couch. “Ye-es”, you said, turning to look at him. “Let’s do something”, Grayson whined like a little kid. “Sure! What do you wanna do?”, you asked putting your magazine down. Grayson looked around, smacking his lips thinking of something to do. “Ooh! Let’s go long boarding!”, he said quickly standing up. He grabbed your arm to pull you up but you resisted. “What?”, he asked, sounding like a kid. “I can’t longboard.” “It’s easy. Let’s go! You can use Ethan’s.” “Oh, alright”, you said, getting up. You didn’t really have a choice. He was just gonna keep bugging you till you said yes. You both walked outside. “My, my. What a beautiful day”, you said, looking up. “I love you”, Grayson said. “Let’s go!”, he said, clapping his hands and laying the boards down. “You ever skateboarded?” “Nope!”, you replied. “Well, this is probably easier.” Grayson started demonstrating. He whipped down the street making sharp turns and what not. “Seems totally easy!”, you yelled, sarcastically. Grayson laughed at my comment. “Your turn”, he said, holding my hand. “I’ll hold on to you while you ride on it.” “Oh, great, like a kid”, you responded. “It’ll be fine.” Grayson was pushing you lightly so you were smooth sailing. Until the idiot tripped on his untied shoelace. Grayson tripped which caused him to push you harder which caused you to basically zoom down the street, lightning speed. You began flailing your arms and jumped off the board, rolling on the street. “Ugh”, you groaned, picking yourself up. Grayson ran to you. “Holy shit! Are you alright?” “A-ok”, you groaned. “I’m sorry”, he said, looking at your scrapes. “Ehh, it’s just a couple of scrapes. Had them before”, you shrugged. “That was a flop”, Grayson said, hugging you. “It was fun. Well, before the part where I failed.” “Can we have ice cream now?”, you asked, with puppy eyes. “Way ahead of you”, he replied, smacking your butt.  You both walked back to his house and spent the rest of the day together.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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