Babysitting (Grayson)

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One Saturday night, your mom told you that you had to babysit your cousins, Gina, Tommy and Melanie. You loved your cousins, but you and Grayson had a date that night. “Honey, your Aunt Marie needs you tonight and you do owe her cause you blew her off last time”, your mom said. “Well, I have-” “Yes. I know you have a date, just take him with you, I’m sure you guys are gonna have fun.”, your mom said. “Oh alright, I’ll be there” “Great!” your mom said. You decided to call Grayson about the change of plans. “Hey”, you said to Grayson. “Hey, you still on for tonight?” “Umm, about that, there’s been a change of plans. What do you say about babysitting a 7, 5 and a 1 year old?” “Alone?” Grayson said, you could hear the nervousness in his voice. You laugh, “No, I’ll be there.” “Alright, I’ll pick you up at, uhh, what time?” “6” you say. “Alright 6 it is” “Ok bye, love you” “Love you too,”. You hung up the phone and got ready. You hear the doorbell ring, it was Grayson, “You ready?”, Grayson asks. “Yup.” You two start heading to the car. “Thank you so much for doing this with me, sorry about having to cancel the date.” “Ah, don’t worry about it, anything for my love.” Grayson says, then kisses you. You drive to your cousins house. “Hey!” your aunt says as she answers the door. “Hey Aunt Marie. This is my boyfriend Grayson, he’s going to be helping, I guess.” You laugh a little. “Oh my god! Its so nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard so many nice things about you”, your aunt says. Grayson looks at you smiling and you quickly look away. “Gina! Tommy! Look who’s here!”, your aunt yells. 20 seconds later, you hear the sound of little footsteps running down the stairs. “(y/n) (y/n)” you hear them say. They run to hug you. “Hi guys! I missed you so much”, you say. After your guys’ little reunion, you introduce Grayson to them and then your aunt leaves. About 20 minutes later, you felt like you fell in love with Grayson a million times more because of how he was with your cousins.  You decided to go upstairs to check on your baby cousin, Melanie. You see her standing up in her crib smiling at you. “Hi”, you say. You pick her up and start talking with a baby voice. You twirl around with her in your arms and you see Grayson leaning against the side of the door smiling. “That was cute”, Grayson says. “Oh my god”, you say laughing. “Can I hold her?”, Grayson asks, nervously. “Sure! Don’t be nervous, she won’t bite.”, you say jokingly. “Well, umm, she might, so be careful” “What?” “I’m just kidding”, you say laughing. “Alright, let’s get the kids dinner”, you say. You guys walk down to the kitchen. “Ok, who wants food?”, you ask. You saw Gina’s, Tommy’s and Grayson’s hands all shoot up. While you guys were eating, you were talking about your day and stuff. You and Grayson were washing the dishes and Grayson starts kissing you. "Awww" you hear Gina and Tommy say, while giggling. When you guys were done eating, you were in the kitchen coloring with Tommy. You heard squealing and giggling coming from the living room. You walk in and see Grayson tickling Gina. You start laughing, “What’s going on?”. “Gina said that you like her better than me.” “Well, that’s true.”, you say jokingly. Grayson pretends cry and Gina starts tickling him. Grayson picks her up and starts running around the house. It was now time for bed. First, you went to Tommy’s room and he wanted Grayson to read him a story. He started reading with funny voices and you and Tommy were laughing so hard. After you said goodnight to Tommy, you guys went to Gina’s room. You all said goodnight. “Grayson, I have to tell you something.” Gina says. Grayson looks at you for approval. “Sure, I’ll be in Melanie’s room.” About 5 minutes later, Grayson walks into Melanie’s room with a huge grin on his face. “What?”, you ask. “Nothing”, Grayson says, still grinning. “Come on tell me” “Gina told me that she likes both of us together and she never wants us to break up.” “Aww, that’s so sweet.” Grayson pulls you in for a hug. You see Melanie looking at you guys and she starts giggling. Grayson starts smiling at her. You guys both say goodnight to her. Your aunt comes home later and you and Grayson drive home. He walks you to your door. “This was really fun. I know I’ve said this like a million times but I love you and you give me reasons to love you more everyday.”, Grayson tells you. “I love you too and you with kids, just makes me so happy.” “Goodnight (y/n), I’ll see you tomorrow” “Goodnight Grayson.” You guys kiss and then he leaves.

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