Sweet Side

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Travis and I had been walking home together occasionally for the last couple of weeks. We get drinks at the gas station near the school, he'd always get a raspberry iced tea and I'd get an energy drink. Then we go to the playground and just talk. After getting to know him a little bit I found out that he's honestly kind of a cool person.

He likes cats and he can't wait to meet Gizmo.

His favorite subject is history but a close second is science.

He's trying to learn to play guitar but 'his awkward fingers just can't get used to it' as he says.

His favorite color is pink. Which I teased him for relentlessly. But he teased me even more when he found out I had a crush on Ashley.

He likes the rain, and he likes to read. He listenes to christian rock, which isn't really my style but he gets really excited when I agree to listen to it with him.

He has a soft spot for rom coms because he's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

He has a sweet side to him. It's nice to see.

He even opened up a little about how he is afraid to come out as gay because his family wouldn't except him.

I can honestly say I enjoy spending time with him.

"So, not even Larry has seen your face?" Travis askes as he digs his heels into the playground soil.
"Nope," I shake my head, "it's not that I don't trust him, I just don't want to scare him off," I give a dry laugh.
"I don't think he'd be scared, you're his best friend," Travis pushed himself back and forth on the swing. He watched me intensely.
"You underestimate how bad it really is," I feel really self conscious as he stares at me. I can practically hear his thoughts. Wondering what lies beneath.

"Stop staring at me please," I say with a little bit too much bite in my tone.
"Sorry," Travis looked down, "I think you're amazing."
His voice was just above a whisper. It sent butterflies into my stomach.
"I think you're pretty cool too Travis," I smiled.

As we parted ways the evening came to an end. Every touch between us lingered. Accidental or intentional. Every brush of out shoulders as we walked seemed to mean more. He really made me feel diffrent. And I can't put my finger on it.

Walk You Home // Sally Face x Travis PhelpsWhere stories live. Discover now