4th Blow: Dameon Versus Zag

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This is SOOOO gonna be the love triangle or square (?). Who knows? Just read on. With all your heart! 

4th Blow: Dameon Versus Zag

Location:Wildwood Tavern

Someone banged the door so hard that even Lars jumped from his deep sleep.

Lars opened the door with anger. (He has a habit of being angry to those who disturb his deep sleep.)

It was the owner. Lars shouted at him in the face, “Why the HELL are you disturbing my beauty sleep!?”.

The whole chattering tavern was suddenly occurred with silence. The owner went red.

“Fine, then. I am just here to tell you these FIVE words--‘Your-girlfriend-is-waiting-outside!!!’ ” he blasted out and slammed the tavern door at Lars’ face.

Lars shouted back, “This is PUBLIC property, you dude!!!!”

Then, Lars remembered about Rhen and quickly put on his cloak. He sprayed some cologne and rushed out of the room. 

He peeked at the tables and there sat Rhen waiting for him. 

The owner said impatiently, “Stop playing hide and seek, you lovebirds!”

Lars winked at him as he smirked, “Is that YOUR business? And by the way, we are NO lovebirds.”

The owner replied, “Oh, I’m really sorry. I thought you two were—.”

Lars winked for the second time, “What are you apologizing for? We are ‘husband and wife’!!!” 

The owner just smiled.

Lars then straightened his tie (?) and sauntered straight to Rhen. Rhen stood up as she cried, “You’re late!”

Lars just grinned and abruptly took Rhen’s hand.

Rhen blushed and at the same time, blew up inside. That wicked necromancer!!! I never let any BOY touch my hand!!! Just wait till we get out of this tavern.

Lars sauntered out of the tavern with Rhen at his side, holding hands. Rhen just faked a smile. She just didn’t want to blast out in public. 

Location: Wildwood Forest

Rhen shook off Lars’ hand which was firmly grasping hers.

Lars pulled up his eyebrows and asked innocently, “What was that, Rhen?”

Rhen kicked him on the leg and shouted, “That’s the question I have to ask! What was THAT? I never let a BOY touch my hand!”

“What!? About holding your hand?” Lars asked as he jumped. “Well, I didn’t mean to do it on purpose! Sorry.”

“Oh, really? I’m sorry, then.” Rhen said as she bent down a bit to check the place she had kicked.

Lars murmured, “It’s ok, Rhen. Let’s just go.”

Rhen nodded.

Lars thought in his mind, “Phew! That was close!”

Location: Ghalarah

The whole entrance was blocked with hundreds of girls shouting, “Zag!!!”

Rhen was amazed by this and whispered to Lars, “Wow! These are your fans!?”

Lars nodded. 

Lars pushed into the mad crowd holding Rhen’s hand firmly so that Rhen could keep up with him. The girls made way for him but all of them were staring at Rhen with VOLCANIC eyes and holding up their fist. They seemed like volcanoes that were gonna blast anytime soon.

Rhen was, somehow, frightened of these MAD girls so she tried to shake off Lars’ hand but it was too firm.

Suddenly, the girls turned their head direction back to the entrance and stopped shouting “Zag!!!”.

Instead, they shouted, “Dameon!!!” even louder.

Rhen’s heart stopped. She slowly turned back to see—

“DAMEON!!!???” Rhen shouted as she finally shook off Lars’ hand.

Lars didn’t turn back but he just caught Rhen’s hand firm again.

Dameon heard Rhen’s yell and stared at her. So did Rhen. And so did the girls’ crowd.

Dameon was both surprised and happy to see his love (!) again. So he sauntered straight to Rhen, who was staring at him with wide eyes.

Lars whispered to himself, “I must win Dameon.”

Dameon finally reached to Rhen and kissed her hands. Rhen blushed. But no anger was awakened.

Lars, then, suddenly pulled Rhen into his chest, saying, “Hi. Mr. Fame!”

Dameon was surprised to see this but managed to replied, “Er…hi, Zag!”

Rhen tried to leave Lars’ chest but he was too tough to resist.

Lars smirked and said, “I and Rhen came TOGETHER to see your movie! Right, Rhen?”

Rhen just bit her lips and tried to escape.

Dameon shouted, “Release Rhen!”

Lars let go of Rhen. Then, he went near to Dameon’s ear and whispered, “Rhen’s mine now.”

Dameon was shocked.

So did Rhen who heard that whisper.

***End of 4th Blow***

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