3rd Blow: Ahahahahaha

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This chapter is going to be weirder!

3rd Blow: Ahahahahaha 

Location: Hermit’s Cottage

Rhen rushed into the cottage with broad footsteps. And quickly, lighted up a candle which it’s already half-burned.

“Aren’t you going to invite me into your cottage, Rhen?” Lars asked impatiently, standing at the door. Rhen turned around to look at Lars, “Oh, sorry, Lars! Just come in.”

“And where do I sit!?” Lars asked, disgusted by the dusty floor. 

“Anywhere!” Rhen shouted as she re-lighted the candle which had gone out by the wind. 

Lars walked to the cottage’s end and made his seat on the sack of potatoes. Rhen shot a glare at him and shouted, “LARS!!! You’re sitting on my meal!!!”

Lars crossed his legs, still sitting on the sack and groaned, “But didn’t you tell me to sitanywhere?

Rhen groaned back as she angrily thumped the floor with her left foot. Poor Rhen, wasn’t she? She had to eat all three meals with p-o-t-a-t-o-e-s.

Lars looked around the cottage and said, “Seriously. Who designed this cottage!? Just two tiny windows! And you even have to light up a candle in daytime?” 

Rhen sighed, “Yes, Lars.”

Lars, kind of, stare her with feel-sorry-for-you-eyes. Rhen exactly knew Lars’ regretful staring so she decided to change subject.

“Have you seen Dameon these days, Lars?” Rhen asked.

Lars gritted his teeth and said, “Sure.” as he glared up at Rhen. “He’s been doing the same thing—like us!”

Rhen shocked. He’s been doing the same thing! He’s been doing the same thing! These words were echoing in her ears.

“That means he’s a songster!? “ Rhen asked as she stepped closer to Lars.

Lars stood up and walked away to the table, “Well, not actually. He’s been, kind of, an actor.” 

“An actor?” Rhen gasped.

He glared at Rhen and continued his speech, “An ‘emo’ actor to be sure.” He said as he covered his mouth with his hand, trying hard not to laugh.

Rhen stood still, trying to figure out the—

A figure flashed in her mind—Dameon’s head which is half bald and half emo itself. 

Yet, no sooner, Rhen fell out laughing.

“Ahahahahaha! That shy Dameon? An actor? And even worse! An EMO!!! Ahahahahahaha!!!” Rhen blabbed as she rubbed her watery eyes. 

Lars laughed with her. And the whole cottage was filled with Rhen’s and Lars’ laughter.

Rhen tried to pull back herself but she just couldn’t. That Dameon’s emo head was still haunting her mind.

Lars managed to stop laughing and continued, “And he had already starred in a movie. As a leading actor. Which totally bothers me!” 

Rhen stopped her laughter. 

Hey, hey. Wait a sec! It’s just 1, 2, 3 days I last saw him as a Sun Priest. And during this short time, he HAD already starred in a movie!? Why did EVERYTHING change before I could know, eh?

Lars suddenly blushed, which is the very first time Rhen had ever seen, and asked shyly, “I was wondering if….”. Before he could finish his ‘if’, Rhen mind was alerted already. 

I think I have heard this kind of speech-starting in a movie...

Lars scratched his cheek nervously, “Well, I was wondering if you want to go out to the movies with me tonight.”

Rhen’s jaw dropped down for 2 meters.

Yes! I have heard this word in a movie! To be definite—in a ‘teen romance’ movie!!! OMG!! That means he’s asking me to –

“The movie—which Dameon’s starred in!” Lars smiled.

Dameon’s movie? Yes, I have so got to see it!!!

Rhen smiled back and asked to Lars, “Where?”

Lars stepped closer to Rhen and slowly got near to her ears. 

Rhen had goose bumps all over her body as Lars drew near to her ear.

Lars gently cleared away Rhen’s hair which was covering her ears and whispered, “Gha-la-rah.”

Location: Wildwood Tavern

Lars harshly closed the tavern door. 

The owner shot a smirk at him and warned, “This is public property! You should handle them carefully, you see.” Lars smirked back at him and said coolly, “My bad! By the way, I AM a rich boy, you see.”

“Why are you telling me this?” the owner asked crossly. Lars ignored his question and went into the room next to the reception, muttering “Suckers!!!”

Lars hanged his cloak on the stand and he threw himself into the bed. 

Then, he pulled out the diary under his pillow and opened it.

He put a tick in the box which was beside the words ‘Ask Rhen to Go Out’ and he smirked.

He made a fist and banged the pillow as he blasted, “Time for revenge! Dameon! Just wait and see. I’m gonna break, break your, break, break your heart!”

No sooner, his eyes were sealed and entered to his own dreams. (Meroko wishes you sweet dreams, Lars!)

***End of 3rd Blow***

Satisfied, winterflowr? Lars is starting to step close to Rhen’s heart, eek!!!

And iPink! I so gonna have to see more of the lyrics! Rhen said she so have to sing your songs! Which means your songs are chosen to be in Rhen’s Debut Single!!!

I told my bro to read your songs and he was like ‘Ahahahaha!’. So did I. And again, thanks for your inspiration for this 3rd blow’s title!!!

And again, feel free to point out any of my mistakes!

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